Personalzied Tag 1

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So here is the first tag I came up with on my own! It's not incredibly long, but it is a little deeper. I call it, THE DISNEY TAG!

Answer all the questions
Use characters from a story in your works
Add one question of your own to the end
Tag one person
Repost the rules and questions each time

I shall be filling this out as an example for the poor soul(s yeah that's right. I might pick more than one of you!) I choose to tag.

Question 1: What character are you using and what story are they from?

I'll be using my OC, Clara Black from my HP fanfic, "The Daughter of a Murderer."

Question 2: What Disney song best describes them and why? This song can be from any movie, just Disney or Disney Pixar.

I think "One Jump" from Aladdin best describes Clara. It kinda describes that instinct she has to do what needs to be done in order to get by.

Question 3: What Disney villain would your character be and why?

Shere Khan from "The Jungle Book" but the old animated version. Aside from being real scary and manipulative when she wants to be, Clara also has a sarcastic, slightly dark sense of humor, and a major fear of fire.

Question 4: What Disney character in general do they resemble and why?

Aladdin. They both grew up by themselves for a good duration, if not all of their lives. They both learned to rely on themselves and no one else, and that sometimes it just takes a little extra to get by. Not to mention both of them lie all the time.

Question 5: What Disney quote best describes your character?

"Do you trust me?" -Aladdin from (you guessed it) Aladdin. It's a constant question she asks everyone, including herself. She's learned to be careful about who she opens up to, and because of this she needs to know other people think she can be trusted.

Okay, I'm not adding another one because I made this up! As a side note, you do not have to answer the one you make up, but can if you want. Now for my multiple tags. I'm only doing three to get this off the ground, so keep to the one person limit everyone else!





Ta da! Enjoy this guys, I had fun making it! Also, if you wouldn't mind leaving a mention to me when you do the tag, I would appreciate it. I would love to see what all you guys come up with!

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