22(1) ~ I Owe You An Apology

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Chapter Twenty Two(unedited)

I decided to cut chapter twenty in two parts cause it's really long :)

Sally's POV

I lay on my bed resting. Arms over my chest as my mind went through all the things that happened today. I wasn't even allowed to think about those, says it stresses me out if I think about it again but it's not like I can stop either because it's all the things that I keep thinking would come back to distract me from my slumber.

I'm tired. Dead tired

My body felt drained even by thinking of Chris too. I mean the fact that all this time, the emotions I had bottled up from the very beginning where he told me he didn't want it- the frustrations of knowing that I'd be doing this alone was wearing me thin

Moments ago when Chris and Aubrey rushed me to the hospital, I couldn't seem to react. My body was really tired, luckily the baby was okay and those informations Beth had given were a blur to me. It was like I didn't care as long as the baby was alive

It's funny actually. When a kid such as myself would fear for a life that was growing inside of me while I held that little abhorrence of not wanting one, I was confused with myself and I hated it

Or maybe I'm just overdramatic just as I am with everything

Whatever this was, I can't stop thinking

"Why aren't you sleeping" hearing Aubrey's voice instantly made me look towards her. She stared at me in a disapproving glare but sighed when I didn't say anything. Probably because she saw how disheveled I look right now

"I got some food from the kitchen, you might as well eat up"

Just as she uttered food, my stomach decided to grumble at the thought. Yeah, I am kinda hungry

Sitting up, I took the noodles from her hands before I divulged myself with its aroma and taste. It was quiet for a while, Aubrey had watched me from time to time before she would look back at her phone- scrolling through Facebook I believe until I emptied the bowl with a satisfying burp. Aubrey slowly took the bowl out of my grasp before placing them on the side where she began to crawl into my bed and laid beside me. Our eyes watched the ceiling and as much as I loved the quietness, I was beginning to get awkward because I knew Aubrey was dying to talk

Sighing I said without turning to look to her "you can ask Brey"

She didn't hesitate after that

"What happened in there? I mean, I don't know what to think I- I was shocked and trust me, scared shitless when I realize you were huddled in a corner by some freak tattoo face. It was a good thing too that Chris had noticed it. I feel like a failure"

with that, I smiled. I won't lie, the fact that we were caught was one big embarrassment but it somehow died on my mind the moment I realize that this was serious. The expression in Chris's face was menacing and threatening. And I knew it was stupid to follow him.

"I wasn't even sure too. I mean I was crouching Behind The wall and the next thing I know, my body was pinned against it with his face near mine" just as the image appeared, I shuddered in disgust. I hated how his eyes had raked over my body and the fact that I was imprisoned by those muscular parts that looked hard had told me the warning signs of what could happen if we weren't publicly seen by people.

"I'm so sorry Sally, I- I should've did what you ask. If it wasn't for my demanding ass, you wouldn't be in that situation"

Aubrey gave me the look of guilt but I smirks either way because it wasn't her fault. I was to blame too. I could have told him my reasons and just swept my pride away. Clearly I realize he was the owner and I may looked highly suspicious do my secrecy. But there was one thing on my mind, the words he said that made me question everything

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