Chapter 8: Deal

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After class Lyra walked to her locker, to see Emmet was standing right beside her it with her bag.

'Let's get this over with' Lyra whispered under her breath


'What what?'

'Okay, well let's get heading'

They walked to the car, got in then they started driving.

'Sweet sticks?' Emmet asked

'No thanks I need to get home. I only agreed on this car trip home because you were telling me about the party'

'Oh right yep'

'Go on'

'Well you and Endean were having a great time, you drank allot and that's why you don't remember anything' Emmet smiled

'Well, explain where I went for 10 minutes'

'I don't know'

'Explain why Endean 'went to the toilet' then came out and started smashing glasses'

'I don't know'

'Explain why he said cheating was 'on my agenda''

'I don't know'

'Your useless'

Before Emmet got to speak Lyra yelled 'STOP THE CAR!' Emmet did as he was told so Lyra shot out and slammed the door shut behind her.

'Thank you for the ride! Goodbye!' Lyra tried to keep the anger out of her voice

'But you aren't home'

'I will walk the rest'


'You're using me'

'No I'm not'

'You lied to me. You said you would tell me what you knew, if you got to drive me home! But instead you are being a useless sack of crap. I'm sorry but just no'

Lyra ran back home and when she did, she got on skype. Endean hadn't texted her but he changed his skype status from 'Ly Ly ❤' to 'Mia...My one and only ❤'

Lyra changed her skype status to: ~I really hope that one day you will see how much you hurt me~

Lyra shut her computer and laid in bed staring at the roof.


Yes, another chapter is down! 

Only a few more to go now then i can get started on Flashbacks #2 (i might change the name of the second book!) 

Thank you all for reading. Please remember to vote xx 

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