You need to tell someone.

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Tyler pov

"About Ethan" I could instantly feel the blood in my veins freeze. I swallowed the lump in my throat and took a deep breath "What a-about him?" I asked stuttering. Today was just not my day with speaking clearly was it?. Her eyes stared straight into mine, and I felt as if she was reading my thoughts. Every last memory inside my brain.

"What.About.Him?" She said slowly her eyes still locked with mine. I could tell there was no way out of this one she knew. I sighed taking a seat on the patio chair "You know" I stated it as a fact not even bothering to ask it as a question there was no point. She knew

"Of course I know Tyler, you don't hide it very well." She stated with a scoff. I didn't have the strength to argue with her. She sighed softly taking a seat by me. "Look I know its hard but, why don't you just tell him?"

"Tell him?" I asked bewildered as if the thought had never crossed my mind before. "Mhm just tell him"

"I can't "just tell him" its not that simple, Kathryn" She turned over towards me and rested her head in her palm "And whys that?" she asked.

"Be-eca-use-e!" I spluttered "It would ruin me it would completely ruin our friendship to"

Kathryn rolled her eyes "Like you have a friendship." she scoffed "The only thing you two have built a "friendship" off of is Star Wars, Mark and eyesex."

I blinked "That is NOT true I- wait whats eyesex?"

She chuckled " Never mind, But we need to find a way to tell him!" "Also you need to confide in someone other than me, Mark?"

I rubbed my temples "Okay first of all. NOT telling Ethan. Second of all NOT telling Mark"

"You can't just not tell someone!" She said throwing her hands in the air. I didn't say anything.

"Amy?" she asks


She pokes me "Wade?"

"Nope" I said shaking my head

"Bob?" she sounds exasperated now


"your parents"

I could feel my jaw clench, "definitely NOT my parents"

She leaned back in her chair "Okayyyy....You're telling Amy then."

I practically jumped out of the chair "No!" I shouted "We are NOT telling Amy, and thats final." she looked me over "We're telling Amy, I get why you wouldn't want to tell Mark but we need to tell Amy okay?"

I squeezed my eyes shut and rubbed them "No one was supposed to know about this period." I groaned suddenly I could feel a hand on my shoulder "Its okay Tyler, its better we know so that way you didn't explode from all the feelings you have, keeping something like that locked away isn't healthy" her voice was caring as she said this almost like a mom

"Now" she said getting up "Do you want to tell her or do you want me to tell her?"

I think he has a crush TYTHANWhere stories live. Discover now