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Ethan's pov

I sighed mentally as I checked the clock on my phone. The storm had been going on for at least 2 hours. Leaning back into the pillows positioned on my bed I let a sigh as I screwed my eyes shut once again as the sound of thunder crashed above me "It had been such a perfect night" I thought to myself as I curled up my body tighter preparing for the next volley of thunder and lighting. Shaking as I heard the rain pelt down on the windows.
Finally overwhelmed I had, had enough
I jerked up out of bed tearing ass into Tyler's room. My feet hitting the cold hard wood floors
My body felt numb as I slowed to a stop at his door. My mind and body froze
Ethan. My mind was retaliating at my actions
They screamed
Why would you come to him!
He'll think your a loser
For being scared of a measly thunder storm.
My eyes closed tight as the boom of thunder cut off my thoughts. I could feel a sob coming up on my throat and tried my best to force it down. But it felt as if someone had hot food stuck in my throat. As if someone put a ball on top of my Adam's apple. Sniffling I sunk to the floor my head against my knees. I felt paralyzed as if I couldn't move from that spot. Nothing could make me move, at least it felt that way. As if I'd be stuck there forever.
I opened my eyes but instantly regretted it. Seeing the way the lighting flashed outside the window illuminating everything around me casting shadows on the wall. I held my knees tighter as I heard the oh too familiar sound echo through the house
The tears I had been holding In escaped my eyes . But my soft cries turned into muffled sobs against my tear stained pajama pants.
I froze my cries catching in my throat as I tried to steady my breathes.
You can't see me
I'm a ninja
"Ethan? Are you okay?" I could hear his footsteps grow closer and I could practically feel the warmth radiating from him.
He's not cold. I thought
"Ethan...are you alright?"
Does he see me?
He doesn't see me
He doesn't see me
Don't let him see me
But he's warm. My mind protested
And your cold.
I let out a cry and cursed myself as a another boom of thunder took over the sky.
He was kneeling down next to me now.
I tried to wiggle away but his arms wrapped around me picking me up carrying me away from the cold hallway and slowly placing me on his bed
Warm my mind sighed
Safe my eyes were dropping now as Tyler climbed in next to me. His arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder
He was saying something but I couldn't understand. He was warm and I was safe.
It was the perfect end to the date.

Sun light streamed through the windows and I squinted my eyes blocking it out before promptly turning over only to find Tyler's back. Scooting closer I wrapped my arms around him pulling him close before falling asleep again.

Lying awake propped up by pillows I stared sleepily at Tyler's face. A smile on my lips. He looked up at me "what?" I shrugged
"Nothing it's just, your cute"
He chuckled a bit before leaning up pressing a quick kiss on my lips.
Suddenly the door slammed opened
"Hey guys I- woah oh I"
We both looked up only to find a very flustered Mark.
"Um" he said looking between the both of us "bad time?"
Tyler rolled his eyes "Mark we didn-"
He held up his hands in defense "Hey its cool I get i-"
I interjected "Mark we didn't"
"It I mean I-"
Tyler sighed (Schied) beside me rubbing his forehead "Mark we"
The older man in front of us continued to babble
"Cause I mean-"
He looked at us both startled by our outburst. "Yeah okay I'll leave"
He quickly closed the door behind him leaving us in peace.

-time skip-

Tyler's pov
Leaning against the counter I sipped at my coffee. Mark looked at me from the kitchen table
"So did, you...yknow?"
I raised my eyebrows "do what?"
"Yknow" he said with a nod
"Did you....get some?"
I looked at him "what do you mean?"
He sighed  "I mean...did you have sex with Ethan?" I groaned in frustration and annoyance "no!"
"Oh" he said relieved "thought I walked into something"
I rolled my eyes and walked out of the kitchen a small smile on my lips.
"Did you at least make out with him?" I heard Mark call from the kitchen
"Dude!" I hollered back "For the last time, No!"
As I walked away I could here small laughs coming from the kitchen.
I smiled as I made my way up the stairs ready to fall back asleep in Ethan's arms.

I think he has a crush TYTHANWhere stories live. Discover now