Chapter fifty

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Tiffany's P.O.V

I kept thinking of how I was going to do this.

First, I grabbed my suitcases and packed all of my belongings into them. As I was going through my stuff I came across a picture of Justin and me. His hands were wrapped around my waist from behind and his head was on my shoulder; we both had the biggest smiles on our faces. I dropped everything I was doing and just sat down, looking out the window. Before I knew it was hysterically crying.

Where did we go wrong?

Justin's P.O.V

I pulled into the driveway of my house and took the keys out of the ignition.

I had a good time today.

It reminded me of old times, the happy times that I shared with Selena. Now that we have the baby and all, I feel obligated to become closer to her so I've been going over her house lately. I don't want to be one of those fathers who missed out on their child's memories growing up. I also don't want my son or daughter to have to go through what I went through as a kid.

I opened the door with a smile on my face thinking about the child that Selena is currently carrying in her. I've ways dreamed of being a father and it's finally happening. Yeah, I wished it would've happened Tiffany maybe but I guess I trust Selena. At the end of the day, we have been through a lot. I know she's going to be a good mom.

I opened the front door with my keys and my smile vanished as prebious memories flooded back into my head.


I left after a huge fight and we didn't even get to talk about it. Honestly I wished we could've talked it through so we wouldn't be on bad terms like we are at the moment. She is kinda over reacting but I shouldn't have snapped at her like that. I need to talk to her now.

"Tiffany," I called out.

"Tiffany, I know you're mad but can we just talk about it?"

I kept calling her name but got no answer. I saw some suitcases packed which made me confused, but I put it in the back of my head and kept searching. It wasn't until I opened Chaz's room when I saw a girl figure laying down.

"Tiffany, just let me-" I began before a voice cut me off.

"She's in your room," Ariana mumbled monotonously while turning around.

"Um ok," I responded awkwardly.

Why is everyone acting so weird? I was about to leave when Ariana spoke up again.

"I'm just saying one thing. You screwed up big time ,and I don't think you're going to be able to fix it. Now proceed. Bye," she stated sharply making me nervous and confused. I ran into my room to see Tiffany sitting against the wall looking outside.

"Tiffany?" I questioned.

When I received no response I walked towards her. I heard sniffles which made me even more confused than I already was.

As I looked closer I saw that the side of her face was red. Was she crying? I ran next to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Baby, are you crying? What's wrong?" I asked concerned. She pushed me off her and turned around facing me. I gasped.

"What's wrong? You got around acting like an asshole and you don't even know what you did? Well I'll tell you what's wrong. We get into a huge fight yesterday and you go off to go to Selena's, AGAIN. LET ME REMIND YOU SHE'S YOUR EX WHO HAS TRIED TO BREAK US UP SEVERAL TIMES. She's the reason we even started to fight. And to top it off I'm yet to find ONCE AGAIN that you're at her house over twitter. Not even a phone call from my own BOYFRIEND. I hope you're having fun playing baby daddy cause I'm not playing anymore. I always end up broken and I don't think I can take it anymore."

"Babe, I don't get why you're mad. I'm just spending a little time with her since she is carrying my child," I told her truthfully.


I simply mumbled a response before I spoke up.

"Wait. I don't have to imagine that. Because you actually DID cheat on me with your ex, Harry."

"Really Justin? Stop acting like you're the victim here because you're not. You're literally acting as if I don't even matter to you anymore. UNLIKE the song you wrote about me. You're treating me as if I'm a crazed fan you met a week ago and was a fun fuck and dump, got tired of her, and went back to your perfect little Selena."

"You know that's not true," I said as my heart shattered into a million pieces and my stomach dropped as a result of how she was feeling.

"Really now? Because that's what it seems like. Since trust is our number 1 priority in this relationship, I'm going to be TRUTHFUL and tell you how I'm legitimately feeling. And this is it? Where's the truth telling on your part? That's right, NOWHERE.

Where were you when I was crying and sobbing because of the fight we got into? You should've been here trying to makeup with me but oh no, you were with Selena. It's like us fighting doesn't even effect you anymore." Now she was crying.

Now I felt like I was going to puke. My eyes softened. She was crying. And it's all my fault. I had to be the asshole that I am chilling with Selena being happy and carefree. I walked near her but she just take a step back. I grabbed her cheeks to wipe away her tears but she slapped my hands away.

"What's gotten into you?" I gasped looking at her in disbelief.

"What's gotten into me?" she scoffed, "let's just say I'm not sticking around to be your puppet anymore. I don't think I can handle anymore of this," she said making me freeze.

"Is this all because I went to go visit Selena? Really? Babe why are you being so jealous?," I said. Before I knew it my face stung from her slapping me but it didn't affect me much.

"Don't you dare say I was jealous! Maybe if you were here when I was broken and not running around with Selena none of this would've happened. You would understand how I'm feeling right now. Maybe if you just cared a little more about other people and not just yourself and your needs you would open your eyes. I trusted you but know I now I realized that I was stupid to. I was right from the beginning. You're just a stubborn pop star who doesn't even care about someone else's feelings. I'm done," she said throwing something in her bag. I didn't even realize that she was packing things all this time. Wait the suitcases. No no no no.

"What do you mean you're done?" I panicked

"Like I said before. I'm sick of getting hurt. I wasn't sure how much longer I could take this, but congratulations you finally gave me the boost to give in," she said as tears fell from her eyes.

"You're not leaving me, you can't. Not after everything," I said as my vision became blurry.

"I'm sorry just, I j-just can't do it. But it's ok. Now I'm out of the picture so you and Selena can live happily with your new baby. I'm obviously not meant for the celeb lifestyle you and Selena live. You two are meant for each other. I wish you two the best honestly," she told me while walking out of our bedroom, but I followed after her.

"You can't just give up on us. H-how could you leave me so easily?"
Now I was sobbing. She stopped in her tracks and turned around.

"YOU THINK THIS IS EASY FOR ME??? REALLY?" She cried in disbelief, "you're the one that ruined us Justin. You pushed me away and kept hurting me weather you meant it or not. This is goodbye," she said as she walked down the stairs. I ran after her before she could go out the front door.

I grabbed her and spun her around pulling her closer to me.

"I'm sorry," I managed choke out.

She just looked into my eyes sadly.

"Sorry doesn't always fix things, it doesn't take back the things you did. Or the things you didn't do. You weren't there for me like I was for you," she said as she wiggled out of my grasp and kept walking.

As I looked over her shoulder I saw Chaz putting her suitcases in one of the cabs and Ariana in the passenger seat.

"You can't do this to me. Y-you promised you'd never leave me. That we would be forever," I choked out. She turned her head to reveal her blue eyes red from crying so much.

"I'm sorry Justin, I-I just can't continue living like this," she squeaked out as she pried her arm out of my grip leaving me in pure shock. As she stepped outside she stopped and turned around which gave me hope.

"Oh and please just delete my number or something. Don't try to get in contact with me. Don't try to make this harder than it already is," she came next to me and kissed my cheek before she left.

"Good bye Justin."

And with that she left. So easily and so fast. My heart sunk and broke into a million little pieces once again after seeing her jump into the car and driving away. I stared at the car until it was out of my sight.

Once I couldn't see it anymore, I dropped to my knees and sobbed. All the memories we had together came back to mind. I couldn't get her out of my head no matter what I did. I know this is going to last for a while. Her face and voice kept repeating and echoing inside my head.

"Goodbye Justin,"

And with those last words and last tender kiss, she walked out of my life completely.

From the first day I met her I had a feeling, this connection that I just had to make her mine. I knew that she was the one for me, and I just screwed it up. Maybe this was meant to be. She shouldn't have been with me. I'm not good enough for her. All I do is mess up and break her heart. She needs to find someone that will treat her right, and won't hurt her like I did. I'll always love her unconditionally but no matter what,

She'll never know.


Tiffany's P.O.V

I sobbed the whole car ride to the airport. I didn't stop crying even by the time I got home. I locked myself into my bedroom and stayed in there curled in a ball. All the memories I had with him overflowed my brain.

All the happy memories, and all the times he said he would catch me if I fell and would never break my heart, just like all the others have. I guess that was all a lie on his part. Don't get me wrong though, just because we're over doesn't mean I stopped loving him. I don't really thing I'll ever stop loving him, actually. I really thought he was the one.

The one thing that kept repeating was his facial expression when I told him goodbye. His face was filled with sorry and regret. He looked broken and fragile, something I've never seen before in him. It was so hard for me to resist the urge to run up to him and kiss him telling him everything was going to be alright and we would figure it all out.


I needed to do this for myself. I'm tired of being played and broken. I need to forget about him and move on with my life.

There's just one thing in the way and it kills me inside. I'll always love him no matter what, and I still do but for my own sake,

He'll never know.


Authors' note:

Okay guys! That was the last chapter to our book "He'll Never Know"! I really hope you guys enjoyed it, and we're sorry that we ended in such a tragic way, but there's going to a sequel.

The sequel will be up in about a month or two. We are going to take some time off to write some chapters on the new book.

Thank you all for reading. Much love.

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