Chapter 5: The Answer

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Song: Dear X by Disciple
I do not own the song, it belongs to Disciple
sorry if the song doesn't fit this in your opinion, it was the best that I could find


As I was driving to the hospital, my panic started to rise. Please please please be all right! I can't lose anymore family... maybe I should turn on the radio. So I turn on the radio.

The song Dear X by Disciple comes on. I scold my radio as I continue driving. I could change the radio station but this is really the only good station. I sigh. This is gonna be a long ride to the hospital.

*time skip to when you get to the hospital*

Once I arrive at the hospital I quickly get out of the car and lock it. As I rush into the hospital, I realize that it's dark outside. Looks like there's a storm coming... wow, so cliche.

I get into the hospital and go to the counter. "Hello!" The woman at the desk says. "Are you here to see someone?" "Yes, her name is Isabella Smith." I respond as I impatiently wait for her to tell me where she is. "What is she to you? Family? Friend?" She asks. "She is my friend but I consider her as my family because we live together." I respond with a hint of annoyance. "Okay, she is in room 105."

I rush down the halls to her room. 102. 103. 104. Ah ha! 105! I knock on the door softly and hear no response, so I carefully open the creaky door and walk in. She's sleeping, I shouldn't wake her up, she seemed pretty tired this morning.

I sit in the chair next to her and wait there for a couple of minutes until a doctor comes in. "Hello, you must be Isabella's best friend, (y/n) (l/n) right?" He asks me in a hushed voice to try to calm my nerves. "Yes sir." Is my response, just as hushed as his. "I have some bad news. Right now, she's in a comma. It may be weeks, months, even years before she wakes up." He says softly.

I just sit there without saying a word, stunned. I gently pick up Isabella's hand and hold it in between my hands. "Also, we discovered that she has cancer. I'm so sorry." He asks and gets up to leave so I can process what he said. Is this really true? It can't be... I must be dreaming. I pinch myself and wince in pain when I find out that I'm not dreaming.

Before I know it, there are tears streaming down my face and I can't stop them. All I can do is sit there and cry, hoping that this is some sick prank, but it's not.

It's reality.


Sorry I haven't updated in such a long time. I feel so bad for not updating when I said I would, but I'm still really grateful for all you that read my story. So thank you, for reading my story.


April 7th, 2017

I'm Lesbian? Girl X (Girl) reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now