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Your P.O.V
Today was a nice day to go exploring! You set foot outside your flat as the cool breeze of the wind hits your face. It was a decent temperature outside, not too cold, not too hot. Perfect! Now then.. I'm off! You stride your way down the usual street you walk down everyday for your food supplies from a corner store. 'Seems a bit dead today, I haven't seen anyone around.' Oh well, means less more worries about the street when you cross. You cross a street you haven't been down yet, and start walking from there. Some houses, doughnut shops, alleyways, the usual.

'I never go explore anything behind mini shops or houses. Maybe today I'll do that and find something new. You know.. I could really go for a doughnut and coffee, seeing as it's still 8:37 in the morning.' You finally see a few people today, just some cars passing by. That's a relief. You really thought people were dead today. But.. How unusual. You make your way over to a doughnut shop called 'Snowflake's Donuts'. You cringe at the way they spelled doughnuts. It's always been.. A triggering peeve to you. 'Hey.. They might at least have decent doughnuts.'

You walk in and push the door open as a *Ding!* went off. Ah, the usual shop door. The shop seems to be more of a bakery than a doughnut shop, long display cases on both sides of the wall filled with a series of cakes, pastries, pies, and of course, doughnuts. A large but tall glass refrigerator held many beverages and various cappuccinos. You made your way over to the front, where you order, and patiently wait. A minute later, a man pops from behind the wall from the back and smiles at you. You greet him with a soft smile. "Hello, may I ask, do you happen to have (Favorite coffee/mocha/cappuccino/tea)?"

The man smiled again before answering. "Why yes, let me get that for you. Would you like it to be cold or hot?" You thought for a moment. "I guess (Hot/Cold) will be fine, please. Also, could I get a (Pastrie, doughnut, whatever you like in the morning) as well?" The man nodded and gave you your preferred drink, and gathered up your preferred breakfast 'meal' and put it in a small bag. The man asked for the money to pay, as you fidgeted around your pockets to get the right amount. Unfortunately, you were 20 cents short. The man looked down at you and gave you a reassuring look. "Don't worry, you don't have to worry about the shortage. I'll take what you have. Thank you for coming by!" After paying him, you thanked him and walked out as the door made another *Ding!* sound.

You find a nearby bench not too far from the shop. You sit down as the smell of your food hits your nose. Saliva forms in your mouth as you think about eating and sipping what you currently have with you. When opening the small paper bag, you find that the man had put two extra frosted doughnut holes with your (Whatever you picked). 'Aww.. That was really sweet. I feel a bit bad now, I didn't even tip him. I'll do it next time for sure.' You stare at your item before sinking your teeth into it, savoring the flavor. You mumble to yourself. "Mmmphh..! It's so good!" The flavor is so rich!! Now for the drink, you take a small sip. This is great too! I need to go there more often.

After finishing off your (Still whatever you picked), you eat one doughnut hole with one bite. Ahh! Everything is too delightful! You finish off the other and finish up the drink. That was very satisfying. You stroll downwards on the sidewalk opposite of the way you came, and come across an ink and paint studio. Now, your secret hobby was to paint and create art with ink. You never had enough supplies, because you could never find a place where they sold ink. It was a small little shop with the casual glass windows, and from what you could see from inside, you saw an array of materials on the shelves from the display window. 'Seems to have quite a few supplies.' You open the glass door, as it makes a similar *Ding!* sound that the doughnut shop had.

The walls were white with ink patterns and designs all over it. Splatters here and there, as the floor was an inky black tile color. Wow, the perfect paint studio! Art supplies was neatly placed on shelves for sale, and you went over to take a look at them. Color pencils, paints, pallets, brushes.. Not exactly what you need. You walk over to the opposite side of the wall where more supplies was stocked up. Notebooks, sketch pads, colored paper, ink! You grab a small nearby handheld shopping cart and place six glass ink bottles the size of an average carbonated drink in a bottle. You put some canvas used for painting in the small cart as well.

Paint brushes are already at home, so no need. While walking to the checkout table, you see a woman in her late thirties. You place everything on the counter and search for some money. Wait a minute.. You forgot to go back home to get more money! Adrenaline rushes through you as you feel embarrassed. "A-Ahh.. I'm sorry ma'am, I forgot to bring some money. Can you please put this aside so I can go get my mon-" You get cut off as she puts her hand on your head. "Don't worry about it sweetie, it's on the house. Everything is, in fact." You give off a confused look as you glance back at the shelves.. Everything says free.

"O-Oh, well thank you so much!! I really appreciate it!" She looked down upon you and nodded while bagging up your items. "Come again sometime!" You took your bag of supplies and smiled warmly while heading out. 'That was very generous!' You head back towards your house when you notice an alley way you haven't paid mind to. ..The temptation is real. Who cares! You walk down the alley and keep following with a few twists and turns until you reach an odd worn down building. It was a building hidden among the tall buildings surrounding it, it was easily missed.

A stale smell of inks and paints drifted from the inside of the building.. Odd, you didn't even open the door yet. Oh, the curiosity is killing you. You open the door as a creaking noise erupts from it. Slowly, you walk in until you're fully in. Suddenly the door jerks shut by itself. Panic floods through you as you swiftly turn around and try to pry the door open. There's no lock. You're stuck. A strong smell of stale ink and paint floods your nose again. Ink splatters were found on the walls. Strangely, the place was already lit up with light. Posters on either side of the wall were leading further down the short hallway. It was still dark, despite the lighting.

Oh my.. What have you stumbled upon? Will curiosity really kill the cat?
Find out soon.

Bendy x Reader ~Inky Disaster~Where stories live. Discover now