Chapter two

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Terror is all over you. You just stared in fear as your voice was caught up in your throat. The hand had a strong grip to where you couldn't fight your way out of it. It looked like an inky arm with white casual gloves. Just like Bendy and Boris'. The hand started to move causing you to squeak, and it slowly brought its hand towards the wall. Now you started to freak out. Your wrist was being pulled causing your whole body to slide along with it. The arm was slowly disappearing as it was retracting inside of the wall, when you started to pull back. With all your might, you pulled as hard as you could to get away while the creature was pulling.

'This hurts..!' As you pulled, the creature was trying it's hardest to pull back but only half way succeded as it steadily moved towards your direction. More of this creature was being revealed each second when you kept hauling to get yourself free. Your arm was burning with pain from all the pulling being done to your poor wrist. A shoulder was now visible on the creature, and it stuck its matching arm out along with its head. The creature was now halfway out through the wall. Its free hand was pressed up against the wall, and its face.. The creature was Bendy. Bendy had a bit of ink running down his face, and he wasn't smiling.

His eyes.. They looked as if they were filled with sorrow. A pained expression matched his eyes when you stared at him. Ironically, both you and Bendy stopped pulling at the same time. Bendy gazed at you before speaking. "There's no escape.." Panic flooded through you again as you swiftly pulled away from him and grabbed the axe. You sprinted as fast as you could to the exit. You stepped upon an inky puddle, but right as you did, the same two inky hands shot up and grabbed both your ankles from inside the puddle.

But of course, the sudden hold caused you to trip and fall on your stomach and knock the wind out of you. Luckily, you held your head up so no damage was done around that area. You could feel your knees stinging from being scraped against the hard wooden floor. As for your stomach, it felt like someone had punched you as hard as they could. The axe had flew out of your hand a couple yards away. Bendy still held his strong grip. You were completely defenseless. But that didn't stop you! You placed your hands on the wooden floor to lift yourself up, but by now you're already kneeling.

Your legs push up and you try to move. Bendy still has a nice grip. You smirked because Bendy was now holding onto your shoes, which was an easy escape. Swiftly, you slid yourself out of your shoes and dashed over to the axe. You picked it up before anything could happen to it. Then, you quickly ran down the hall to the exit. An ink puddle was following you from atop of the ceiling, moving as fast as you were going. It was obviously Bendy trying to gain (Or 'gang'?) up on you. While scowling to yourself, you weren't paying attention to where you were going and tripped over a loose wooden board.

Once again, you tripped and scraped your knees, but this time your arms were holding you up. And the axe was now lying next to you. Pain was surging through your toe as it had been stubbed by the board. This is why you needed shoes.. Honestly, you're getting tired of all this running. Yet you're so close to the exit.. Your hand strains over to grab the axe, right as you got to grab it, Bendy almost snatched it away. A growl was heard from the said creature. Grunting slightly, your legs push yourself back up again to go running. You succeed in moving away from Bendy this time. The exit is merely seven yards away..!

Happiness rushes over you once again as you get even closer. Bendy was right above your head again. Just two more yards-*SnAApP* More terror corrupts you when you realize the boards beneath you had broke, but right before you could fall lower than the flooring, someone grabbed your hand. More like someTHING. The only thing you could hear was your own heartbeat and some panting coming from your defender. They heave you up with both hands, trying their best not to scrape you even more than you already are on the broken boards. Your savior.. Is none other than Bendy.

Once fully back onto the flooring, you collapsed out of exhaustion, no, you didn't pass out. Tears of pain and horror streamed down your face as you finally gave up. Bendy was fully emerged from the floor. You glanced at him, taking in his details. The same pure white bow, an inky body, the devil's tail, and his innocent face prickling with worry. He reached a white gloved hand down to your head and patted you. "I told you, there's no escape.." Bendy had such a soft and light voice.. So seemingly gentle, yet terrifying at the same time.

Your body couldn't move. Your muscles ached, you were in pain from stomach to toe, and you were still petrified. Could you really trust an inky creation who tried ruining your only chance of escaping, but then saved you from major possible injuries and even death? Your mind was swirling with questions, so you didn't notice that Bendy had been sitting next to you while petting your head. Finally your tears had stopped after calming down. One question is all you really wanted to know, okay, maybe two. You sat up and crossed your legs, looking at Bendy's puzzled expression.

You cleared your throat before speaking, "Bendy.. What exactly are you? And why have you saved me after ruining my chances to escape..?" Bendy closed his eyes and looked down. *Exhale* "Well, I did all that to save you, I knew those boards would collapse."

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