Chapter four

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Bendy took a deep breath before speaking. "Well, I am an ink demon. I was created to be a God, unlike Boris. And.. HE got to Boris. Boris was more of a test subject.. A sacrifice, you could say.. But I was a mistake. I'm not supposed to be here. 'Nor Boris." You're taken aback when he said 'demon'. A small confused look made its way to your face. "Say.. Bendy, what do you mean by demons, Gods, and sacrifices..? I don't mean to be pushy." Bendy's right foot lightly taps the wooden floor. His arms were crossed again, and his tail was waving ever so slightly.

"You see.. As I said before, I was a mistake. Nothing was supposed to go wrong.. But, 'He' decided to take some steps forward and make me real. His research was outstanding.. So very well thought out. But alas, he wanted me to be a God. Someone people can worship. Someone 'He' can worship. Boris was sacrificed, I was honored. I feel absolutely horrible.." Bendy looks down with a pained expression. "But what good does that make me.. I've done absolutely nothing to make people happy. I don't want to be here."

You give him a look of worry. You reach your hand over and rest it on top of his shoulder. "Bendy.. I'm terribly sorry about your situation. But you're nothing close to being a bad demon or monster in my eyes. All I see is a cute lonely inky creation who needs a little company. Bendy, I could've died if you hadn't been here in the first place. Please don't say that about yourself, I see you as a masterpiece." The cute demon looked back up to you and gave off a reassuring grin. His tail was swaying a bit out of happiness.

Bendy placed his hand on top of yours, which was still on his shoulder. "You.. You really mean that? You don't think I'm a terrible monster who needs to die? I'm not a.. A failure?" You grin and nod. "You're nothing like that. You really are an adorable little being." Bendy gets excited and stands up. "You're too nice, (Y/n)! I need to repay you somehow.." You have a very light blush on your face. "Bendy, there's no need to repay me! You've already done so by saving my life." Bendy nervously puts his arm behind his head and laughs a bit. (Oooo so cliche)

An inky puddle begins to form underneath Bendy, as he slowly seeps down into the floor. You sigh. There he goes again, off to whatever he's gonna do. Now then.. What should you do? Steadily, you attempt to stand up. You're shaky as you stand, but now you're able to walk on your own. While taking a few steps forward, you noticed that your knees still stung. At least it isn't as bad as it was before, you're just being careful not to bend them in any sort of way. A liquid type sound comes from the floor, seems to be that Bendy is back.

Bendy seeps back through the wooden flooring, looking a bit.. Bloated? You're about to question him, but he sinks his hand into his 'stomach' and pulls out an inky plastic bag. The bag was tied up, probably to prevent whatever is in it from getting messed up. Bendy places the bag down on top of one of the many chairs in room, and takes a seat for himself. ..You should probably sit back down. Shakily, you make your way over back to the rolling chair and sit down. Bendy is grinning while staring at you, his tail swaying back and forth again. "(Y/n).. You should open it, I'm repaying you with it." He scoots with his chair a little more closer to you.

You warmly smile at him. "Aww, thanks Bendy! You honestly didn't have to do anything for me, you're so sweet!" You excitedly look at the ink soaked bag next to you. The bag is a bit oddly shaped, having a rectangular base. You reach over and undo the little bow that was made to seal it. Yeah. Ink's all over your hands now. Never mind that, you're curious to see what's in the bag. Your hand reaches inside and grabs a bottle. Wait.. That's..? You bring the bottle closer and inspect it. This is from the art shop you visited! Bendy found the stuff that you left back at the door entrance!

You squeal out of excitement, you thought you had lost your stuff somewhere in the building. "Thank you, Bendy!! Did you know my stuff was near the entrance?" Bendy smiled again and nodded at you. "Yeah, when you first arrived I saw you had a bag with you. You left it in that spot before wandering around. I was reminded of it when I wanted to find a way to repay you. What is all of it, anyway?" You're still currently gleaming with joy. "Well, just half a dozen of ink bottles, and some canvas to paint on. I don't have any paint brushes or ink pens with me at the moment though."

Bendy thinks for a moment. "We do have a storage room in this place, it's sealed from the outside though. I'll have to go check there myself. I do recall a heavy amount of supplies being there, so I'll go check it out real quick!" Bendy is down through the floor again before you can even protest. That demon.. Always so happy and optimistic, yet just so lonely.. You can practically feel the negative emotions waving off of him. It doesn't take long before Bendy reappears. This time, Bendy was able to stick the few paint and ink brushes through a crack in the floor. You glance at the brushes with amazement. They look so high quality!

"Aahhhhh, thank you so much again, Bendy! You're the best!!" You stand up and try walking to Bendy. Bendy had a smug look on his face, and already had his arms out for a hug. You laugh a bit at his expression, and go in for the hug. You wrap your arms around his torso as he does yours. Bendy still has a damp body, I mean, he's almost 88% ink. It's a chilly feeling, but very comforting. He's the perfect height for you. Reluctantly, you let go and smile at him. Bendy has a small tint of gray on his cheeks, it's barely noticeable. You nervously look at Bendy before speaking. "You have really nice hugs.."

Here's the deal
I haven't seen the actual newest chapter of BatIM yet, so I've decided I won't follow the story. I'll probably be adding a few things from the newest chapter into my stories' future chapters. Like, I'll add in small details, expand the area, whatever. You'll see.
But thanks for all the support ^^
Really appreciate it!

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2017 ⏰

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