chapter one

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the rain poured down from the skies. as if god was crying. either because of he had just gained an angel or lost one. you could never be so sure. but the drops of rain could not compare to the ones that were cascading down my face. my grieving did not take much time to settle in. for i was already wanting to take my own life.

the drugs i had just consumed were just deteriorating me. though, i was determined to make sure i would soon be unable to breathe and my heart would no longer be able to beat.

i felt something telling me to not to continue on with this act. perhaps it was my self conscious telling me to not choose the easy way out. to not be such a coward. but the joke is not on me but on it for i am already a coward. it's been carved into my heart since the moment it was created.

one more shot. one more needle piercing through my skin and into my flesh. just a tint of pain left. then my heart will beat slower. slowly. until it hits it's final stop. until it thumps one last time. until it beats its final beat. until my pain is washed away.

i grab the sharp injection and i tie the filthy rag around my flexing arm. my veins are noticeable. blue popping out from the beige. i press down as the liquid from inside the tube releases into me. it travels along the roots of my body. i feel it running through my veins as the effect slowly develops. i look up into the sky full of dark cumulonimbus clouds.

"see you soon, romeo."

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