Chapter 9

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Sob story. That's what we were told and now, we are responsible for the life of this man. Also the reason I'm stuck on this boat. In the middle of the water, that I'd MUCH rather be walking across. I groaned and heard kakashi try to stifle a laugh. I shot him a look and continued to glare at the wooden boat.

"Why couldn't we have just taught them to walk on water..?" I asked.

"Because we'd still need to take a boat for Tazuna."

"We could've carried him..." I muttered. Kakashi gave me a look and continued chatting with Tazuna.

"This is as far as I go. The village is a little ways up." The driver said. We thanked him and got off. Naruto was getting trigger happy though, because minutes after we started walking he threw a kunai into the bushes, earning him a smack from Sakura. I laughed at this.

"NARUTO!!" She screamed.

"Be careful with those! Those are dangerous weapons and need to be treated carefully." Kakashi scolded. He apologized and we continued walking. A short ways up, he threw another kunai.

"Oh my kami.. Naruto what did we just tell you?!" I yelled just as a white rabbit hopped out of the bushes.

"Naruto! You almost hit the bunny!!!" Sakura hit him again. I snickered but turned my attention back to the white rabbit. A snow rabbit in the summer... somethings up... a whizzing sound caught my attention.

"EVERYBODY DOWN!" Kakashi voiced my thoughts and we all hit the ground.

"Well well well... what do we have here?"
























A man was standing on a sword that had lodged itself into a tree. He examined all of us thoroughly as we did the same.

"Zabuza Momochi. Demon of the Hidden Mist and one of the seven swordsmen."

"Heh, you got me." He looked at me and Kakashi. "What an honor to meet both the famous copycat ninja, Kakashi of the sharingan, and the Namikaze Princess." Sasuke snapped his head towards Kakashi, all serious.

"Sharingan? Namikaze Princess?? Can someone please tell me whats going on???" Naruto was freaking out.

"Sharingan, a powerful dojutsu to only those of the Uchiha, and it has the power to read the movements of your opponent." Sasuke dryly explained. I facepalmed. I thought me and Itachi had taught him better.

"And the Namikaze Princess, only daughter and heir to the fourth hokage, also known as the reincarnation of Konohas yellow flash and red hot Haberano." Kakashi explained for me.

"You only scratched the surface of the sharingan boy. But I don't have time to waste. hand over the bridge builder."

"We'd die first!" I spat. Zabuza smirked.

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