Chapter 6

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Still Sasuke POV

We all got into our fighting stances. 'I really hope this works...'


"Right!" She said, a new look appeared on her face. She was determined to do her job right, and was going to prove she wasn't worthless. I smirked at this. She threw a couple Kunai at her, to which Kae easily dodged, but it was enough to make her a little less concentrated on us. I looked over at Naruto and nodded. He made the hand signs for his multi shadow clone jutsu. His clones surrounded Kae. She looked around and smirked, and started to take them out. During this time, I set up a substitution and hid a bit aways, and waited for the opportune moment.

"Where is that brat?!" Kae yelled.

"Look up." He stated and managed to land a hit on her from above. I quickly ran over and snatched a bell from her, and ran back.

"Naruto! Sakura! Get back!" I yelled. As soon as I said that, the bell rang and we made our way to the posts, where Kakashi was waiting.

"Well, it seems you have succeeded in grabbing both bells. Now, who will you chose to send back to the academy?" He asked. I smirked.

"None of us are going back to the academy." I stated.


"Well, as soon as I saw only two bells I knew there would be a hidden motive. Usual squads work in teams of three, so if you really were going to send someone back, we would be in groups of four. The whole point of this test was to see if we were all capable of working together as a team."


Kakashi POV

"Well, as soon as I saw only two bells I knew there would be a hidden motive. Usual squads work in teams of three, so if you really were going to send someone back, we would be in groups of four. The whole point of this test was to see if we were all capable of working together as a team." Sasuke finished. I looked at this boy. He certainly is smart.

"Well, what about you two?" I asked the other two.

"I can't believe I'm saying this... But I agree with Sasuke. We all needed to work together in order to retrieve those bells..."

"Yea!" I smiled.

"You pass!" They all cheered. "Alright. Your first mission is tomorrow. Meet at the bridge at 5." They all smiled and went their ways.

"Hey, how about lunch?" I asked. Kae looked at me and smiled.



Me and Kakashi headed out to the BBQ place and sat at a booth.

"Good job Kakashi. Getting beaten by mere genin." I smirked.

"Oh yeah? What about you?"

"Shut up!" He laughed. The waiter came up and asked for our drinks. I was looking at the menu, but I could still see Kakashi glaring daggers at the man. I ordered my drink and Kakashi ordered his... Rather coldly. I shrugged it off. Meh, whatever. After he left me and Kakashi talked about what we could work on, because the teams teamwork was obviously amazing... which is really surprising. The waiter came back and set down our drinks, and Kakashi looked like he was gonna lose it. He was starting to ball his hands into tight fists and was taking deep breaths. I was trying really hard not to laugh.

"Ok. I've had it with you. Stop. Staring." Kakashi snapped. I blinked as the waiter just kinda awkwardly laughed.

"What was that..?"

Being a Namikaze Princess isn't that greatTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang