Chapter 10

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"Uuuuugh..." I opened my eyes only to be met with a blinding light. After my eyes adjusted I looked around and saw that no one was around and I was in a place that I couldn't recognize. Fear built up inside and I started to internally panic thinking that I was taken captive. I heard the door open and on instinct I quickly sat up and threw a kunai in the intruders direction, then screamed in pain.

"KAE!" Kakashi ran over, recovered from his near-death experience with a well aimed kunai and now completely worried. "What are you thinking, sitting up after a stab wound to the stomach? Geez." A few more people, who I recognized as the anbu who followed me here, walked in.

"What's going on..?"

"You are in no condition to continue this mission and are gonna be promptly taken back home to the hospital." The one with a birds mask stated, and I could practically heard the "I told you so" through his tone. I also knew that there was no use in trying to avoid this, so I agreed, letting them put me on a stretcher and start prepping me to go home. Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura took this as their chance to come in.

"Kae!" They all called.

"Hey guys." I managed a smirk.

"Are you going home?" Sasuke asked. I nodded.

"Yea. But remember to continue your regular training. And listen to kakashi sensei. He knows what he's doing." Sasuke nodded.

"Alright Namikaze-Hime, we're ready to go." One of the anbu said.

"Ok." I ruffled, very painfully, Sasuke's hair. "Be good sauce."

"Bye Cake."


Father, mother, Itachi and the Hokage were all in my hospital room.

"See hiruzen?? This is why I don't like working with children on high ranked missions..." He chuckled. Thanks to protecting Sasuke, which I'd do again, I'm stuck in this stupid hospital until my wound heals enough. "Mom, can't I please just go home and recover there?" I begged. She looked at father. I was put into one of the nicest rooms and was being constantly monitored, but all I wanted was to go home. I hate hospitals.

"Now kae-" the hokage started.

"Hokage-Sama, she would be monitored regularly at home, and we have our own medic nins. If she thinks she will recover faster at home, then let her." Father stated. Was he actually being... nice?

"Alright Fugaku. I'll make the arrangements for her to be taken home. But! I'm assigning a medic nin of mine to go as well." Father nodded, but I could tell he wasn't pleased. Medic nins came back into my room and took me home, to where our medics had already made my room more suited for treating my wounds. If Itachi's Fiance comes in here, there is no guarantee that I'll be in bed for long. Also thanks to this incident, ANBU have been placed all around my home, doubled what they were previously.

A week had passed, a VERY boring week. Itachi had pretty much stayed in my room with me whenever he was home, which strained his relationship with Hikari. The one time she did try to come in, I screamed at her and then... Well yea. She hasn't come back. Kakashi and the rest of the team are supposed to be back home any day now, but I'm still bed ridden and not allowed to leave my bed until I'm healed enough to walk around and not open my wounds. In other words, the old man knows me well enough that if I get out of bed, I'll train from sheer boredom.

I looked over and saw itachi reading of my books that I left lying around.

"Tachi?" He looked over at me.

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