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An interview with ME2322 , her Harry Potter fanfic is wonderful!

PART 1: Questions about your books
1) What books have you written?
The Next Generation, The Tale of a Vampire, The Evil
2) How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?
One, its called Weird Stuff and all my books are not finished except for The Evil
3) What is your favorite of your published books?
Tale of a Vampire
4) Can you tell us a little bit about it?
A vampire girl who used to attend Hogwarts for the first 2 years of her education. Then was put in Vamps Academy to gain control of her vampire abilities and now she's back with her brother and best friend and chaos will arise.
5) What was your hardest scene to write in your favorite book? ( No spoilers here )
The train scene to Hogwarts which I'm currently working on and is not published yet.

PART 2: Questions about how long it takes you to write and problems you face
1) Do you read your book reviews and how do you deal with the good and bad ones?
Yes I do, for the good ones I try to accomplish if they have a request. I haven't got any bad reviews yet.
2) How many hours do you spend writing? Does writing energize or exhaust you?
Ranging from half an hour to an hour. It neither energizes nor exhausts me.
3) How long on average does it take you to write a a whole finished book?
I don't know, I haven't done it yet.
4) Do you let the book stew - leave it for a month and then come back to it to edit?
Yes sometimes.
5) What is the hardest and easiest thing about writing?
Easiest: describing things, places, and scenes.
Hardest: To write conversations.

PART 3: Some deep questions about your books.
1) What is your favorite genre to write and why?
Fantasy, because I enjoy writing about supernatural things.
2) How do you select the names of your characters?
I search for names on the internet and find the meaning of them or I search for names that have a lot of nicknames.
3) Are there any characters that are based on real life people?
4) Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
No ( she actually said that to me, so blunt )
5) Do you think someone could be a writer if they don't feel emotions strongly?
Yes you can be whatever you want if you set your mind to it. ( Oh so inspirational)
6) If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
You can do it, I believe in you, you're me you can do anything ( So egotistic )
7) What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?
My writing hasn't affected anyone YET, but other's writing's has affected me.
8) What other wattpad authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?
Yes, my cousin - you. And @JoeGarden. They don't help me be a better writer but I do like reading their books. ( Hmph )

PART 4: Some general questions.
1) Who is your favorite wattpad author and which of his/her is your favorite book?
My favorite author is @knightsrachel and my favorite book by her is The Golden Couple

2) Who is your favorite published author and which of his/her is your favorite book?
Jk Rowling is my favorite author, she's written the Harry Potter Series and my favourite of them is The Goblet of Fire.
3) Is there a published book you are currently reading?
I recently finished Allegiant but for now I'm not reading anything new.
4) Do you proofread/edit all your own books or do you get someone to do that for you?
I do edit them myself.
5) Tell us about the cover(s) and how it / they came about. Who designed your book cover(s)?
First of all I design all my book covers.
For Tale of a Vampire I started off with a cover with a mouth with fangs and blood dripping from it, and the title and author on it. Then I had a collage with a pair of fangs attached to teeth, a head of purple blue hair and red eyes, then I changed that to the same lips and a face with red hair and darker red eyes.
There wasn't a certain place or someone that I got inspiration from, I just collected the ideas from the book and made a collage for it.
And that's it everyone, next I'll be interviewing MP13Girl so keep on the lookout, bye and have a very ME2322 inspired day ;)

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