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Cat_Archer, she's amazing! Seriously.
There are 4 parts to this interview.

PART 1: Questions about your books

1) What books have you written?

Echo:Once Upon a Time, Control:Bucky Barnes, Castle:Klaus Mikaelson, Sunflower:Eddie Brock, Opposites:Teen Wolf, Heaven:Michael Langdon, Lightning: Jasper Hale, Once Upon a Christmas:The Santa Claus, Crawling Back to you: Paul Lahote, Dreki:Steve Roger, Run Away, Polaroid: Kai Parker, Legendary Lovers: Kol Mickaleson, Moonstone:Rae Hood, Immortals:Fitzwilliam Darcy, Expecting: Once Upon a Time

2) How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?  
I have 6 half-finished books right now that are published and like 47 unpublished and an unknown amount on my laptop not even on Wattpad. Probably over a hundred.

3) What is your favorite of your published books?
My favorite of my published books is Echo. It's my baby. I've spent the most time on it and it's characters.

4) Can you tell us a little bit about it?
It's a fanfiction based around Once Upon A Time. Echo is about Robin Hood's twin sister. She was abandoned by him as a kid, and Peter Pan saved her from death and they fell in love.Then Peter is ripped away from her and a deep hatred towards her twin brother grows. Echo goes throughout the show and all the things that happen in it while Rae is trying to get back to Peter.

5) What was your hardest scene to write in your favorite book?

The hardest scene to write would probably be when Rae dies.

PART 2: Questions about how long it takes you to write and problems you face

1) Do you read your book reviews and how do you deal with the good and bad ones?
I don't really tend to read book reviews, and when I do they're normally good (thankfully).

2) How many hours do you spend writing? Does writing energize or exhaust you?
I normally spend 4+ hours writing when I do a chapter. I wish it was less but I like making sure everything is perfect. Writing used to energize me and now it exhausts me because my fibromyalgia has gotten worse.

3) Did  your having fibromyalgia impact you or the content of your books in any way?
Never the content, but mostly the speed of which I can write and how often.

4) How long on average does it take you to write a a whole finished book?
On average... anywhere from 2 and a half months to as long as a year. Echo took me a solid year to write and the one that took the least amount of writing was Lightning. But my the longest I've taken to write right now would be Control by far. But that's because of Marvel movies lol.

5) Do you let the book stew - leave it for a month and then come back to it to edit?    
That's what I normally do.

6) What is the hardest and easiest thing about writing? 
The hardest thing about writing would be making hard decisions as in, "Do I want to let her win this fight or do I want to let her lose this fight and be in a horrible situation?" (Kinda a spoiler but) Most importantly, for me at least, is deciding whether Rae is going to die or not because normally, as you will find, she dies in my books a lot. She normally comes back but she still dies and it's a long emotional ride from it.

For fanfiction- the easiest would be weaving the person into the storyline that's already been made. For some reason, it's simple to me. I don't know why, but it is. Obviously, there are moments where I cannot decide what I want this person to be doing during a specific time sometimes, but that's what happens sometimes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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