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Thanks tragicaly, I genuinely enjoyed our interview!
There are 4 parts to the interview, be sure to read till the end.

PART 1: Questions about your books
1) What books have you written?
The Secret Lives of Pop Stars (on-going), Crossroads, Christmas Lights, Fireflies of the Dusk, Love came with an Umbrella, Confessions and Testoster-zone (currently, only the sample is on wattpad) Things I never told you (freestyle poetry and quotes).

2) How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?
I have 3 unpublished books and around 5 unfinished books

3) What is your favorite of them?
Now, that's a really tough questions since basically all my books are like my babies. But, I would go with Fireflies of the Dusk since it's my most different book. All my other books are humourous while in Fireflies of the Dusk, I let myself explore the dark side.

4) Can you tell us a little bit about it?
It's a story of overcoming one's insecurities. It's is actually a spin off of my other book Testoster-zone. The lead is a bad guy on Testoster-zone who does a momentary bad thing, and this book is simply him repenting and coming to terms of who he actually is, and loving him for himself, looking past all his flaws. But because it's him overcoming his insecurities, people sort of find him borderline depressed and whiny. I love that kid though.

5) What was your hardest scene to write in your favorite book?
To be honest, the whole book was hard to write since my writing style is sarcastic and funny. And I wanted this to be deep and passive. But the hardest part will be this one scene towards the ending where the lead rejects the female lead because he isn't ready to be in a relationship when he doesn't love himself. What he feels inside is different from what he gives as a reply. I've never written a rejection scene before so maybe that's why it's the hardest scene [laughs].

PART 2: Questions about how long it takes you to write and problems you face.
1) Do you read your book reviews and how do you deal with the good and bad ones?
Honestly, I get happy when I get reviews. Both good and bad, because that means someone genuinely read my book. But at times, there are people who simply hate for no reason. For my book Testoster-zone, some people complained how I'm insulting transgenders by writing a book about cross dressing but since I knew I didn't insult the LGBTQ community in any way, I ignored the comments. For reviews I got about the plot development, I took them as constructive criticism :)

2) How many hours do you spend writing? Does writing energize or exhaust you?
I don't write as often as I used to, but when I sit down to write, I usually take from 2 - 3 hours. Writing definitely energises me! It let's me unleash my inner sarcastic self [laughs].

3) How long on average does it take you to write a a whole finished book?
If I update regularly, about two to three months. But these days I've been procrastinating a lot so it takes about a year.

4) Do you let the book stew - leave it for a month and then come back to it to edit?
Yep. Unintentionally I do, I guess. Since I don't have time these days, I write only whenever I'm free.

5) What is the hardest and easiest thing about writing?
To me, writing whatever I feel is the easiest and the hardest thing, because wording it out is easier, but these days, people get offended for no reason (no offense haha) so I need to be careful. Hence, rephrasing certain jokes gets hard and I lose the flow.

PART 3: Some deep questions about your books.
1) What is your favorite genre to write and why?
Obviously, Humour! And short story. But Short Story is a vague genre so basically, I'm just a person who writes lame jokes and makes awful puns, and tags it under 'humour' [laughs].

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