Chapter 31 Truth Come Out

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"Your not going anywhere,"

At the door stood Danny and the two boys.

"Your really think we're that stupid?" Danny said walking closer and the two boys behind him shut the door trapping us.

We all stood huddled together, Van stayed in front of me holding his arms out in front of the rest.

That stopped Danny from coming any closer.

Danny held up two dirty dresses, "Found theses on our way back to the party, bet there yours pretty ladies."

He threw them to us and they fell to our feet, "What do you want Danny?" Van asked trying to keep a serious tone but shook a little.

Danny looked like he could laugh, "The question is what do you want?" I was just throwing a party and then a nosy group of kids broke into my shack and about stole my map."

Van still stayed standing in front of us guarding everybody.

"Just let us leave we didn't take your nap and we won't tell anybody," Max said.

"I would love to do that sugar cake but something tells me I can't trust you," said Danny then he pointed behind him, "this is Hunter and Bo,"

He was about to keep talking till he stopped at looked at me, then he smiled, "Well, look who it is, Ira isn't it? Yeah the whole packs taking about you, the golden wolf!"

His cold brown eyes looked into mine, " and considering what happen to the last gold wolf I say you'll come crawling to us pretty soon."

I felt confused, another golden wolf? What happen to this other golden wolf and where are they?

He must have saw my confusion because he laughed, "Are you telling me you don't know? No one told you?"

I looked at Van, "What is he taking about?" He didn't answer me.

I looked at Max and she looked away as did everyone else.

"What are you guys not telling me?!" I was getting frustrated.

"Here," Danny said, "let me tell you."

"Stop Danny," Van shouted, " don't do this."

But Danny acted like Van wasn't even there.

"You see Ira a very long time ago maybe 100 years a golden wolf lived here," he said sitting down in a chair, "she was very smart and very powerful."

He continued," but she felt she had a bigger purpose and challenged the leader of the current pack." They say she used her special howl to throw him off track so when he was down she assumed that she was the new Luna, but the other wolves saw what was really in her heart greed, power hungry, and mad."

"What happen to her?" My voice shakier than ever.

He stood up and Van tensed.

Danny shook his head ten behind him Hunter said, "Some say she died."
Bo said, "Some say she went into hiding."

But Danny looked at me, "But actually she was banished and was never saw again."

The looked at the others "Your knew didn't you?" I asked.

They all nodded, I felt betrayed and embarrassed.

"Join up Ira," Danny said, "we won't treat you that way and we wouldn't lie to you like these untrustworthy friends."

I thought about that yes they lied to me and yes I'm upset but they're still good friends who accepted me and even after they discovered my color they still stayed around.

I pushed pass Van and up to Danny, "No" I said, "whatever you and your Dark Circle are doing I don't want any part of it,"

He looked down and sighted, "It's too bad the circle could've been good for you,"

"Take them down" he said.

Hunter and Bo came up to us and before I could react everything went dark.

Ohh cliffhanger!! Keep reading and vote I'll be back!!

Stay awesome and go read my wonderful friend KahlanLaw

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