6. Let me show you how thankful I am

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After taking a few deep breaths to compose myself after that close encounter, I shut over the door and headed to the kitchen. Snatching up another glass, I grabbed the rest of the bottle of wine and made for the couch.

Soft grunts and growls met my ears as I turned around. The sight that met my eyes was enough to make me bend over double, howling with laughter. Both of them were on the rug, on all fours, staring each other out. It was almost as if they were settling who was the boss... if they were both dogs that is.

"What on earth are you two doing?"

I walked towards them and shoved Sam lightly. "Sammy, down."

With that he rolled over on to his back and wiggled around, a tummy rub expected.

"Silly boy." I chuckled as I nuzzled the soft fur on his belly before picking him up and placing him in my lap as I sat down.

"You know, you don't have to become a dog to be his friend. A biscuit works just as well." I smirked at the hunk still hunkered down on the floor.

"If you were trying to play the 'alpha male' card with him, you'll be disappointed. He's a mummy's boy. I'm his alpha." I continued on, chuckling.

He stared at me strangely, almost as if he was trying to work out if I was joking.

He coughed and stood up, brushing his jeans off nervously. "So, you said something about wine?"

"The glass and bottle's right behind you." I smiled, nodding. "There's also some chocolate drops up there which are a certain little man's favourite."

He filled his glass up and grabbed the bag of treats off the fireplace. He made his way over to the 'L', glancing between the space beside me and the far end of the couch.

Smiling amusingly at his nervousness I pat the space beside me, inviting him to sit at a reasonable distance, rather than far apart where we'd need to shout over to each other.

He seemed pleased that I wasn't making him sit a million miles away and sat down, grabbing a handful of choc drops as he done so.

"Uh, here, Sam." He held out his hand, right in front of Sam's muzzle, waiting on his acceptance or refusal.

His wavering confidence was cute. There was no doubt in my mind what Sam would do next. Almost immediately after I had that thought, Sam dove into his hand, scoffing all the little drops in a matter of seconds, before hopping across to his lap and snuggling in, contentedly.

Giggling, I grabbed the full glass from his hand before it spilled and allowed him to get comfy with a new buddy on his lap before handing it back.

Grinning, he glanced at me and shrugged. "Guess he's taken me as his beta then, eh, 'alpha'?"

I childishly stuck my tongue out at him before grabbing my own glass.

Sipping my drink, I glanced up at him, finding his eyes never left me.

"You know, considering I've had more human interaction with you tonight than I've had the past month, you think I'd at least know your name." I murmured, a small smirk gracing my lips.

"Ah, yeah, that's probably what I should've led with in the café, huh?" He smiled sheepishly.

He cleared his throat and held out his free hand. "Hi, I'm Alex. What's your name, gorgeous?"

I immediately giggled (yes, giggled like a schoolgirl again) at his cheesy line and played off my blush by fanning myself with my hand.

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