C;7 - The set up.

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"What do you mean, you're kicking me out?!"

"You heard him--get out!! Were you getting comfortable being with our, Nath?! Were you going to mess up his innocence?! I knew this was a bad idea--didn't I tell you guys?!" Jay was pacing back and forth in the living room to contain his anger.

"I-I don't know what you're--"

"--don't act innocent with us, idiot! We know what's going on between you and him! Do we look like fools to you?! How would your gang of twats like it when they find out--unless, they already know!" Tom's hazel eyes became wide with shock, facing his two minions who were confused, staring at him and at me, "--it's a plan to take Nathan's heart, in order to break us! They think that if they get out weakest member, it'll tear us apart--"

"--No! No that's is not what's happening! They don't know--they don't know anything, and they couldn't care less about Nathan! I really do like him, I'm not trying to--"

"--you... like...him?! What... the--" Max spoke up before a smirk curved onto his face. He ran up the stairs and seconds later he was dragging something--someone--Nathan, down the stairs. Nathan's soft green eyes were red and puffy... he's been crying. Why? I want to comfort him but that wouldn't be a good idea.. not after what's happened... I would probably be murdered.

"So... you're gay?!" Max laughed hysterically, at the innocent angel looking guy. I watched as his beautiful eyes widened in confusion and in shock, flickering to my eyes and I could see the embarrassment and feeling of betrayal in them.. he thinks I had purposely told them he was gay--as a well to defend myself. I didn't. And I wouldn't. He doesn't know that... and he never will now.

"Admit it!" Max punched Nathan in the stomach, causing the angel boy to buckle over from the pain... I felt my own fists clench as the urge to fight for Nathan took over me... but again.. I couldn't do it. It wasn't right too.

"Y-yes..." the words broke me and broke him too... I know how he feels--I wouldn't blame him if he doesn't trust me anymore.

"Thanks for telling us, Harry. You may go now." Tom had this wicked smirk on his face, as if he had read my previous thoughts--they were going to set me up! I have no evidence that shows that they did--so Nathan's going to believe them!

"Y-you told them? I--I trusted you... I trusted you, Harry! Did you--did you tell them... everything" the fury those beautiful eyes held was crippling my heart. I couldn't argue or defend myself because Jay got there before me.

"Yes. Yes he told us, Nathan. No secrets between us anymore, squirt. You. Leave now, Harry. You've been a great service." Jay winked at me before forcefully shoving me out the front door.

Instead of going back to my apartment, I ended up cuddling up to my knees on their doorstep--letting my heart shatter. I won't forget the way Nathan looked at me... he thinks I betrayed him--spilled the secrets I was trusted greatly by him. I told no-one. He won't know that though...

He never will.

He won't talk to me ever again...

I've lost him...

Just when I was falling for him.

{{boom. Another drama bombshell. Wow. I don't know what to say! Comment and Vote and Fan please? Thanks so much:) -Tanisha .xox}}

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