C;9 - Straight?

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"Kick the ball over here!" Louis called me. I was currently kicking a football randomly outside the boarding school, because I really wanted to be alone. I looked up to see Louis grinning, running over to me. Him and the other guys hadn’t cared enough or were even bothered to question where I went to, or when I disappeared for a few days. No, they were not welcoming either. They loaded me with chores to do in our apartment and a bill that I needed to pay... life was better as a hostage.

“Smile, Harry. You won’t get any babes if you’re miserable.” Louis comments, narrowing his eyes at me as I kick the ball forcefully at him. He controls it skilfully, like the football school captain he is.

“There’s nothing to smile about.” I muttered to myself as he kicks it back to me.

“What was that?” Louis raises a curious eyebrow at me – we’re now just passing the black football between us.

“Nothin’.” I sigh, hoping he doesn’t pressure me to explain, which he doesn’t. Told you he doesn’t care.


“Suit up.” Zayn appears at my bedroom door randomly at 7pm that same day. I was currently lying on my small bed, staring at the ceiling with Imagine Dragons blasting in my ears. I like the sound of anger. I’m turning into a cold person now. Without Nathan, my heart is just turning into stone – like the other ‘friends’ I have. I guess that’s good – I can now fit in. Before, I was so sensitive and emotional. I cared a lot about people who I shouldn’t care about.

Nathan. I need him. I really really like him. He hates me. He hates me so much, and I can’t help but like him even more. He’s ignoring me at school. I try to catch his eye but they go straight to his text books, so he ignores my existence. It hurts so much. I need him to breathe! I’m barely treading water without him – my life boat.

“Why?” I pull out an earphone and question the tanned lad whose hazel eyes are glaring at me menacingly.

“Did you just – question – me?! Who gave you the right to question me, you little–”

“—Zayn! Breathe. You were supposed to just tell him that we’re all going out, not start a fight with him!” Liam comes to my rescue just like always. I’m grateful he does this, I really am. If it wasn’t for him, I’d be dead. I know I would be.

“Don’t push him.” Liam warns me as Zayn storms out my room, not before punching my wall – which has just added to the collection of punched in holes he’s already caused on the crème wallpaper.

“He needs anger management.” I mumble, shaking my head and Liam chuckles. He then gives me a half smile, “Seriously speaking, Harry – get ready. We’re going out clubbing.”

“Why? Why me too?”

“Because the last time we left you alone, you ended up sneaking off into the enemies’ house, and world war three almost occurred when Zayn and Louis found out!”

Oh yeah... It won’t happen again. Nathan doesn’t care about me anymore...” I sighed, and then mentally slapped myself with a brick for talking about Nathan in front of Liam. He doesn’t know about us.

“Nathan? – Nathan Sykes? ... w-what? – I thought you were straight, Harry?” Liam’s tone was cautious, turning around nervously. I was probably hoping Zayn wasn’t there listening, so he wouldn’t taunt me and beat me black and blue for being gay. Homophobic idiot.

“I don’t know – I don’t know what I am...” half a lie, half speaking the truth. I’m certain of my feelings for Nathan is like no feelings I’ve ever had for a girl and what I feel for him, isn’t what one should feel for a guy if they were straight. But then again I don’t know if I should be classed as ‘gay’ because some girls turn me on too?

“If Zayn and Louis finds out... you are dead, Harry. You do realise that, right?”

“Yes, I do. And it’s none of their business of whom and what I am. Is it now?!” I snap back at him, surprisingly. He looks at me in shock and for a split second I thought he was going to slap me... but he doesn’t.

“Just get ready.” And he leaves the room... leaving me alone once more.

Leaving me with my confused thoughts.

{{dun dun duuuuun. Hope you like that:) comment and vote please? -Tanisha .xox}}

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