C;32 - Ready.

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[i think the next chapter will be the last chapter..?]

 "You should marry him." that was Niall's answer to every question Harry asked him about Nathan. A whole week of staying in New York and Niall keeps suggesting that they go to Vegas and get a civil partnership. Harry isn't 100% against the idea, he wants that more the anything, but he knows he can't just spring 'the question' now. Things are too stressful for everyone now.

Nathan was very close to admitting to the public that he was gay, but stopped himself. He had released a new single as well, which to Harry's anger it was about him singing towards a girl. The music video would be needing to be filmed very shortly, and Harry knew his jealously was going to get ever so much.

"I'm serious, do some romantic shit and prepose already! You guys aint even getting younger. He's going to be twenty-four in two days time! You have basically till them to come up with a plan." Niall slaps his hand down on Harry's hard shoulder, but it caused more pain to Harry then it did to Niall. Harry winced.

"Stop hitting me, urgh. I'm not doing anything like that, I can't afford to be rejected. Too much is at stake; what if I propose, get rejected then we have to leave here! Where would we go then?! I can't risk anything." Harry speaks in a sad tone, shaking his head repeatedly at how sad his life is currently.

He still hadn't got over the arson attack. The thoughts haunted him everyday and every night.

"He wouldn't kick us out, maybe just you, but not Luke and I. It'll be fine." Niall lets out a loud hysterical laugh but Harry isn't laughing alongside him. "Anyway, you have nothing to be worried about, I promise. Nathan loves you so much as do you love him. It's about time things got more serious, it's not like you both are dating again." Niall shrugged but he was very right however.

Harry and Nathan were not dating mainly because the other was always afraid of rejection and also the feat of leaving the other.

"Hm. It's not worth the risk, sorry." Harry shakes his head, but the thoughts wouldn't stop lingering in his mind. It would be nice to call Nathan 'his' finally, officially, forever. Nathan Styles. Harry Sykes. Beautiful.

If only Harry had it in him to prepose.


"Uncle Nath, do you have a girliefriend?" Nathan looks over to little Luke who is carefully drawing a picture of a racing car on the dining table in Nathan's house, opposite to where Nathan was writing down song lyrics. Nathan felt his cheeks heating slightly.

"Uh no."

"Why not?" Gosh Luke is quite nosey isn't he?

"I dunno Luke. Nobodies interested in me." Nathan shrugs his shoulders, though that was far from true. Millions of women out there adored Nathan, his angelic 'sexy' voice and his sassy personality was amusing to them.  They adored the way he walked, talked, breathed. Everything about him was amazing to them. He was perfectly sculpted in their eyes.

"Baba says that to me. He says nobody likes him, but I like him! Uncle Nath, can I marry baba? Is that weird if boy and boy marry?" For a four year old, this kid could talk for damn England!

Nathan's cheeks were flaming now, "uh, yes they can Luke."

"Really?! So, I can like boys, and you can like boys, and Baba can like boys and Uncle Ni can like boys?!" Luke gasped as if it was the most interesting new fact he's learnt in his lifetime.


"I don't want to marry Baba, you can." Luke grins at Nathan, who is in shock for a few seconds before regaining himself.

The Enemy. {Hathan Stykes}Where stories live. Discover now