C;11 - Smile.

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I’m trying to decided what hurts the most; the pain from my heart... or the throbbing coming from my face! Eh, they’re both equal right now.

“Nathan-I think we need to go now.” Siva tries to steer the shaken up angel boy away from me, but I won’t have it. He may have just punched me-possibly broken my nose, but the fact he’s talking to me is such a better and more dominant feeling right now.

“No... no, it’s fine. Please-please let me talk to him alone, Siva. Please? I-”

“-you’ve caused him enough pain...” Siva mumbles, looking at me unsurely. I understand where he’s coming from. If I had a friend like Nathan I would be overprotective over him too. Hell, I would punch the prick that broke his heart. Oh, Nath’s already done that so...

“I promise. No more.” and with that, he looks at me with serious brown eyes for a few seconds before finally leaving the bathroom.

I turn back to the beautiful broken young male in front of me. He’s leaning with his back against the bathroom walls with his arms firmly across his chest. ‘Hot’ was the first word to cross my mind. I’m too drunk-I know.

“I know you don’t want to talk to me, so I'll just do the talking instead. I want you to listen, that’s all.” He nodded hesitantly and I took a deep breath before I poured my heart out to him.

“Nathan James Sykes. The first second I laid eyes on you-I thought I was honestly dreaming. I didn’t think that someone could look so flawless until I met you. You carried yourself in a way that made me want to pick you up in my arms and protect you from whatever scared you so much. It was only a few seconds, but it felt like our future flashed right before my eyes. I saw you and I together, happy and far away from this mess and the ‘friends’ we have. I wanted to get to know you instantly and I was blessed to have met you half an hour later. It was actually only 27 minutes but it would sound crazy and obsessive if I told you I remembered that so accurately. You were adorable. I wanted to kiss you. I still want to kiss you. I want to scream out to the world how much I want your lips. I crave for them every day, Nathan. I think everyone should know and I should go into a mental hospital, because this obsession for your lips is getting too much for me to handle! You hate me because you think that I spilled your secrets, but you need to believe me, baby. I would never ever do that. I promise you! They set me up. They wanted to drive us apart, and it worked. I’m not asking for your forgiveness... I just wanted you to hear me out before you decided to forge me.” I looked away from his soft green eyes as my own ones were brimming with tears now.

His expression hadn’t changed. He didn’t care at all. What did I expect? Him to forgive me instantly and automatically? This isn’t a fan-fiction—reality doesn’t work like that. We always are left heartbroken. The good guys are never found, and no matter how hard one tries, they can never be the hero of the story.

I ran a large hand through my already messy curls and I decided it was now time to walk out of his life. It was for the best. I can’t cope with any more heartache, and I know he can’t either.

He grasped onto my wrist suddenly as I was just about to walk away, and my heart began to pound harder against my skin than usual. Dude’s going to punch me. I just have that feeling—my conscience is warning me to run away before I end up with an actual broken nose.

I turned around slowly to face him and his expressions till hadn’t changed. He was still serious faced, with a slight hurt expression. The hurt was because of me. I caused that hurt-the pain. He’s so guarded. He wouldn’t tell me if he was actually hurting, but I can read him like a book. As he can with me.

“Your apology was stupid. You really think I would forgive you that instantly, Harry Styles? Do I look like one of those many bimbos you usually mess with?!” he spat ant me angrily and I simply hung my head in shame. Yes, Nathan Sykes... I admit it; I kinda hoped you would be. But you’re not. You’re worth so much more then them. And I like you so much more then all of them put together. If I could find the words to tell you this, I would. I really would.

“ANSWER ME THEN!” he snapped again. Is it bad that I’m getting turned on by drunk and angry Nathan. Damn. He is fiiiiine.

“Harold—stop being a pussy and kiss me!” but he did it first.

He pressed his lips onto mines and it was the best feeling that I’ve ever experienced in my whole life. No girl compares to him, neither does any guy. No-one. He is unique, special, and I don’t intend to share him with anyone. I wrapped my arms around his slightly toned waist and slowly pushed him back against the cold wall. His arms were around my neck and I just couldn’t believe this was actually happening. What a sudden change of events?

We broke away panting and smiling goofily at one another. I rested my forehead on his, looking down at him and admired the smile that forever needs to stay on his face.

 I would fight everyday to see that smile.

{{oMG? I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW THE FEELS ARE SO HIGH FOR ME. WHY CAN'T THEY BE A COUPLE AND MAYBE ADOPT ME?! HOW AMAZING WOULD THAT BE?! Urgh. Comment your views and Vote please? Love you all!-Tanisha .x}}

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