First Sight

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This is for my friend who is absolutely obsessed with Robin and ships him with Lucina. Both of those people are from Fire Emblem. Lucian and robin are both 16 in this. Anyways, enjoy!

Lucina's P. O. V.

It was a quiet Thursday night when I first met him. My dad, Chrom, was making some Thai food for dinner. Him and my mother, Sumia, were talking in hushed tones. I sat in my bedroom with my brother, Morgan.

"Do you know what they're talking about?" He asked me. I shook my head. "Then come on!" He exclaimed and grabbed my arm, practically dragging me into the hallway. He put his finger to his lips and listened intently to our parent's conversation. I rolled my eyes. Morgan always was the mischievous one.

"Morgan, it's none of our business! We're gonna get in trouble," I whispered. He shushed me. Ok fine. Whatever. I strained to hear what they were saying, my curiosity taking over. I only caught tidbits of the conversation.

"...he's not safe anymore...get him away from them..gonna get hurt..." my dad was saying. I heard a clatter as my mom accidentally dropped the pan she was holding.

"Chrom, we can't interfere...keep the kids safe...what about Lucina?! You know what this means, Chrom...can't follow through with this..." she replied. I frowned, confused.

"Listen to me, Sumia. We can't just leave Robin there to get hurt, or even killed. Just-" my dad was cut off by rapid tapping on the door. He rushed to the window and looked out.

"It's him, Sumia. Open the door," he said. My mom went to the front door and opened it. Standing outside in the freezing night air was a boy about my age. He had soft brown eyes that were full of terror. He had silvery white hair and a black t shirt with skinny jeans. But the worst part were the bruises under his beautiful...I mean totally normal...eyes. His lip was busted and he had a cut in the side of his face. As I studied his face, he cried out and fell, revealing a bloodied stab wound just below his rib cage.

"Robin!" My mother cried. She bent down next to the boy. "What happened? Where's Marth? He should be with you..." she trailed off. The boy's lips parted. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but my mother visibly paled and my dad looked grim.

"Come along, Sumia. We have to get him inside. Can't you see the poor boy is dying? He's losing too much blood," my dad said. Then he scooped up the boy, carrying him into the living room. Just before he was carried out of my line of sight, he opened his eyes and looked straight at me. When our eyes met, something shifted within me. And then I knew, somehow, that my fate and Robin's were now forever and inevitably intertwined.

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