Meant to Be

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Marth's P. O. V.

I woke up in a cold sweat, gasping for breath. I was laying in a large field of hyacinths and water lillies. The sun was bright overhead. I struggled to my feet, a little shaky.

"Hello?" I called. No one answered. I shrugged and started walking. Then I heard a voice.

"Are you sure that was a person you saw falling from the sky?" A male voice asked.

"I'm positive. He's over here somewhere," a woman said.

Did I-did I fall from the sky? I struggled to remember, but anything from before I woke up it the field was blank. Oh god. Why couldn't I remember? The only thing I could remember was that my name was Marth, I'm 16 years old, and, what was that...a voice whispering in my head...Face your destiny, Marth. Be brave. What was that from? I shook my head, trying to clear it. Oh well. I can't dwell on that right now. I walked over to where I heard the voices.

"Excuse me," I started, trying to get their attention. They looked up at me.

"Oh! Hello. Are you the one that fell from the sky? What's your name, son," the woman asked me.

"I-I'm Marth. I'm not exactly sure if I fell from the sky. I can't...I can't remember anything," I replied.

"Oh you poor boy. Come along with us. You can have a nice supper and we can sort out the formalities in the morning. Dan, go get the bread from the store like I told you earlier," she said. The man sighed and shook his head.

"Whatever you say Grace," he responded and left.

"Don't mind him. He's my husband. I'm Grace," the woman held out her hand. I shook it.

Later that night we dined on soup and bread, courtesy of Dan.

"So, Marth, you have no memory of where you came from?" Dan asked. I shook my head.

"No. The last thing I remember is waking up in that field. It's really...confusing," I answered.

After dinner I thanked them and was about to head up the stairs to the guest room they supplied for me when I heard knocking on their front door. Dan went to answer it. I turned, about to head to my room, when Dan's voice said, "it's a boy about your age, Marth. Says he's looking for you." Hmm. I went over to where the front door was. Outside was a boy with black hair and clothes, and wings that sprouted from his back. The second I looked into his purple eyes, I remembered everything.

"I-I'm supposed to be dead," I stated dumbly. The couple who took me in looked at me strangely.

"No, Marth. You've got things to do before you can die. Come with me. I can help you," the boy said, holding out his hand. I hesitated, looking into his eyes. Something told me that this was meant to be.

I reached my hand out and took his.

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