The Prophecy

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Lucina's P. O. V.

As soon as the boy, Robin's eyes closed again, I let out a small gasp. Morgan looked at me with wide eyes. My mom and dad looked in our direction.

"Luci? Morgan? What are you doing?" Mom asked. Morgan opened his mouth, probably to spout some lie, but I cut him off.

"Morgan! I told you-" I started but my mom interrupted.

"Luci," she reprimanded. I looked down in shame.

"It was Morgan's idea. I'm sorry," I mumbled. My mom came over to me.

"How much did you see?" She asked.

"All of it..." I answered.

Mom looked over to Dad, who was looking at Robin's wound.

"Lucina, Morgan, come help me," my dad said. I looked at my mom.

"Go. We will finish this discussion later," she said, and me and Morgan rushed over to Dad, eager to get a good look at this strange newcomer (children are so childish sometimes I swear). Dad had taken off Robin's shirt to inspect the wound. It was a sickly yellowish green color, and the blood around it was goopy.

"Its Belladonna poison," Dad announced. Oh god. That's bad. I stepped closer to the bed to take a loser look at his injury. I could feel the heat radiating off of him.

"How do we fix it?" I asked, looking up at my dad. He shook his head.

"There's no cure. We just have to wait and hope his body is strong enough to fight it," he replied. My blood went cold and I felt fear strike my heart. For some reason, although I hardly knew this guy, I felt as though I would not be able to live if he died. I absolutely could not let him die.

The whole house radiated tension for the next week as we waited to see if Robin would live. We took shifts watching him. It was my turn when he woke up. For some reason I had take to reading to him while he slept. On this particular occasion I was reading a manga type of book called Attack on Titan. I had just reached this part where Eren, the main character, was swallowed by a titan right in front of his friend Armin. Right when I got to Armin screaming, Robin's brown eyes snapped open. I leaped off my chair.

"Robin!" I exclaimed.

"W-where am I?" He asked.

"Shhh. Don't speak. You're still weak. Just rest," my mother's voice sounded from behind me. "You're in Ylisse." Robin swallowed.

"I-Marth. Hes-he's gone," at threats word he choked back a sob. I wondered exactly close Robin and Marth had been.

After leaving Robin to rest, I sat in my room, contemplating my strange feelings for this boy I barely knew. Then my mom walked into my room.

"Honey, I can tell there's something wrong. Wanna talk about it?" She asked. I considered denying that anything was wrong, but I've always told her the truth. I looked up at her.

"It's just, I'm kind of confused, Mom. I-I feel...odd. Ever since I first looked Robin in the eyes, something weird has been happening. It's kind of hard to explain," I said. My mom just nodded.

"I understand more than you know, Lucina," she said. Then she sighed.

"Listen, Luci. I've been stalling as long as I can, but it's time for you to know. There's..there's a prophecy, Luci, a prophecy involving you and Robin." She paused.

"Well? Go on," I prompted. My mother sighed again.

"Come with me, Luci. It is not something that can be spoken. I must show you," she said, taking a shaky breath. I stood with her, following her down the hall and into hers and dad's room. She shuffled through a drawer before pulling out a milky white orb. Then she turned to me.

"Once you take the orb in your hands, you will see many frightening things. I won't be able to help you. Not even I know what exactly the prophecy entails. No one except for you and Robin can see what it is. All I know is that it has to do with you two. Are you ready?" My mother asked. My breath hitched in my throat.

"I-I think so," I said, a little nervous. My mom nodded and placed the orb in my hands. As soon as it touched my skin a shock jolted through my body. Before I could react, I was thrown into a series of visions.

I was standing in a barren field with Robin at my side. I looked at him and he at me. The sky was dark with storm clouds. Somewhere in the distance I heard a conch horn sounding, followed by an enormous roar. I looked back to Robin but he was gone. For a second panic overtook me, and then the scene changed. I was standing face to face with a boy with short blue hair and a guy dressed in black with black wings.

"Should we kill her?" The blue haired one asked. The black haired one looked at me smugly.

"No. She may prove to be useful to us yet. Just wait, Marth, my dear. Patience is key," the other one responded. Then I was whipped away to another vision. Robin and I stood in a long mausoleum marble hall, along with the blue haired boy and black haired boy. We were standing completely still, and yet the building trembled with the thud of thousands of footsteps. Row after row of undead warriors turned the corner to face us in battle. When they were about 20 feet away they stopped, and the room was still.

And then they charged.

Just before they reached us, the scene changed again. I was standing in a small stone room with no doors or windows. Then three ancient women appeared in front of me, all dressed in gray robes.

Lucina, the voice hissed inside my head.

Lucina, it said again. You are destined to either save our world or be the destruction of it. So what will you choose? Those words hissed in my head before everything went dark.

"Lucina? Are you okay?" I opened my eyes to see my mother kneeling next to me.

"Y-yeah," I said gruffly. "I'm just gonna go to my room, okay? I'll see you at dinner." I stood and headed upstairs. I layed on my bed, thinking about what I just saw. The last thing I heard before I drifted into sleep were the whispering echoes of the three gray ladies...... so what will you choose....

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