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Robin's P. O. V.

24 hours earlier

The early morning sunlight filtered through the one tiny square window I have in my bare, white-walled bedroom. For a second I could enjoy the feeling of comfort in my bed. Then reality set in, turning my insides to stone and freezing my heart. It was ok though. I was used to it by now. I sighed and sat up, running my fingers through my silvery hair. I stood and picked out a black shirt and skinny jeans to wear for that day. Then just heard heavy footsteps heading up the stairs. My blood froze and my breath hitched. Then my dad, Validar, burst into the room.

Without saying a word, he went across my room to where my school bag lay. With one hand he turned it over and poured everything out. I but my bottom lip to keep it from trembling. He was going to find it. Oh god..

"What's this??" My dad snarled and picked up a small glass jar with a lock of white hair in it.

"D-dad, I-" I stopped talking, my whole body trembling.

"Tell me!!" I jumped back from my dad's red and angry face.

"Itsmymomshair," I said in a rush.

"SPEAK UP, WORTHLESS BOY!!!" He screamed.

"Its a lock of my mom's hair, dad!! But you wouldn't know that, now would you, considering you never gave her a second glance! My mother was an honorable woman, and she didn't deserve a dirty coward like you!" I yelled. Then I grew quiet. Shit. I really did it this time. I watched my dad's face change from shocked to furious and he lunged at me.

A few hours later I lay huddled in a ball in the corner of my barren bedroom. Everything hurt. I was pretty sure there were bruises all over my body. My bones and muscles ached. But then just remembered that tonight was the night. Tonight was the night that Marth would help me get out of this hateful place once and for all. He would take me to a place where I would be safe. He told me that I would be watched over by an honorable family. Chrom and Sumia were their names. I breathed heavily in shaky breaths. Even breathing hurt. I was pretty sure I had a cracked rib. I slowly turned my head to look at my clock. It was 2:43 pm. Almost time to leave. I slowly dragged myself to my feet, wincing with every movement. I edged over to where the remains of the shattered glass jar was, the silver hair scattered all over the floor. I bit back a sob. I collected as much of it as I could find and slipped it into a tiny glass bottle, clipping it to a chain on my neck. Then I pulled on some sneakers. I looked around at the rest of my room. There was nothing I needed from here. Then I turned away and walked out of my room, knowing in my heart and soul that it would be the last time job would ever lay eyes on it again.

My dad had left to go meet up with some of his friends and get drunk in the Town House again. I sat on the wooden stool in the kitchen and waited for Marth. Then I heard someone tapping on the window. My heart skipped a beat in fear before I realized it was Marth's face that peered back at me. I got up and unlocked the door for him.

"Marth!" I exclaimed. He gave me a brotherly hug.

"Damn, Robin, you look like hell," he said. I shrugged. Then we heard a loud bang. My head shot up and I looked in horror as my dad came through the door.

"D-dad! You're home early..." I trailed off.

"Oh, what do we have here? Robin, explain," my dad said, deadly calm.

"I, well, it's quite simple really. I-I was j-just-"

"What, cat got your tongue?" My dad cut me off and chuckled evilly. Marth looked from me to my dad and back to me.

"Robin, Sai cosa fare. Tutto quello che dobbiamo fare è raggiungere la Fontana in modo sicuro" Marth told me. He was using a secret language we invented when we were small children. I nodded to him, showing that I understood.

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