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Leo's P. O. V.

"Leo! Leo!" I groaned in protest at the sound of my brother's young voice.

"Go away, Pit!" I growled.

"But don't you remember what happens today??" Pit exclaimed, excited. I closed my eyes. Oh god. You've got to be kidding me. Today we had to go with our crazy mom's work. She was a "seer," if you could call it that. She messed around with tarot cards and pretended she could see your future through a crystal ball. But my whole family knew it was a joke, and most of the city of Icarus knew as well. This is going to be so much fun.

I shoved Pit off my bed and kicked the blankets off me. I changed into a black tank top and black leather jacket, with black ripped jeans. Then I looked in the mirror. Oh god my hair. I brushed it away from my face but the black locks just kept falling back in front of my eyes. I sighed. Whatever.

After a nice and healthy breakfast of cold pizza I followed Pit outside. Then I spread my jet black wings and took to the sky, letting the wind propel me forwards, my feathers getting a little ruffled.

After a couple of minutes of flight, I circled over a shabby building that my mom used for her "practices" and waited for Pit to catch up. When he finally did, I swooped in for a graceful landing while Pit clumsily stumbled into a bush. I rolled my eyes and entered the shack. My mom was busy at the table organizing her cards.

"Why don't you just give up? You know no one's gonna come in today, or tomorrow, or, like, ever," I said.

"Leo, that was mean," my mom said. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure you can deal with it," I replied.

"Leo, come sit here, across from me," my mom ordered. I stared at her.

"Why?" I asked blankly.

"Just humor me for a second please. Look into the crystal ball," she said.

"You're kidding me, right?" I asked, exasperated. Mom looked at me sternly. "Fine." I sat down and looked into the stupid crystal ball. "What now?" I asked.

"Just look," she said. I looked deeper into the ball, thinking maybe if I did this, she would stop bugging me and I could go home. But the something seemed to stir within the crystal ball. I saw a little boy with blue hair going to picnics, movies, and birthday parties with his parents. The boy looked really happy. But then something changed. The boy's parents came in to talk to him. It looked serious. I could hear their voices in my head.

"Marth, I know this is hard, but you have to bear with me. Your mother and I, we have to leave for a while. We may not be back for a long time. You have to stay strong, okay? Promise me," the boy's dad said with a shaky voice. The boy, who I supposed was Marth, nodded with tears in his eyes.

"Okay daddy. I-i can be strong," he said. The man smiled.

"I know you can, my son. I love you," he said and then he walked out the door before he broke down and stayed with his son. Then Marth's mother came up to him. Tears trailed down her cheeks.

"You are my pride and joy, Marth. I can't stand to leave you but I have to. You know it's not your fault, right? We love you very much. And I promise you, me and your father will be back. We won't leave you forever," with that she kissed his forehead and left. That was the last time Marth ever saw his parents. He took care of himself for a year before he met this boy named Robin. They became fast friends. The rest of Marth's life was a blur. It was as if it was being fast forwarded. Then it slowed down at a battle against some skeleton warriors. He fought valiantly. But then he was struck down and decapitated. After that, the crystal ball went dark. But my journey through time with Marth wasn't finished. I peered into the murky grayness and saw Marth's body drifting into the nothingness. I could hear his thoughts in my head. I could feel his emotions toward Robin, and I could feel that he was ready to die. But something deep within me told me that I could not let this boy die. His story was not finished yet.

Marth. I don't know how I did it but somehow I projected my voice to him.

Leave me alone. I'm ready for this. This is meant to be. He said.

No. This is not your destiny. The Fates are not finished with you yet. Come back to me, Marth. Come back.....

I don't know how I knew. It was almost as if the Fates were whispering in my ear. They were telling that Marth was meant for more than this. He had a purpose.

No! No please! I'm ready to die! He yelled in my mind.

Face your destiny, Marth. Be brave.

As I watched Marth fall back to earth and the land of the living, I knew one thing. Somehow, in some way, I was meant to be with him when he met his destiny.

For ShuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora