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"Oceassa Hollaway."

My own name rings in my ears as I slip through the crowd and up the steps to my death. I can feel everyone's eyes piercing my skin and I stand straight as Saslie Opbey, District 4's escort carefully picks out the slip from the boys reaping bowl. My heart pounds at the possibilities...maybe one of my two brothers?

 "Sal Hollaway." 

I feel my throat tighten as the worst possible thing happens, and I ransack the crowds for my youngest brother,but before I can find him,another voice is speaking loud and clear.

"I volunteer as tribute."

Although he's a long way off,his voice is cystal clear,and I look as directly as I can at him,knowing I will never stop owing him for saving my brother.

 "How exciting!"

Saslie trills,but then she cuts short,and I sense the whole of District 4 tense as the boy comes into viewpoint. Saslie covers up by asking his name. Pointless,because the whole of Panem already knows. I look up to where District 4's mentors sit and sure enough Finnick Odair's ever famous golden skin is paling. My little brother may have been saved fom a terrible fate...but his hasn't.

 We get taken to 4's justice building,the place where we will say ou final goodbyes to our friends and families. The strong glass building that once seemed magnificent to me,now threatens to bring my lunch up. My father and brothers come first, Sal's face is red and splotchy already. Not suprising,he just got reaped. He comes over and hugs me,clinging on like an oyster. Father and my other brother Sulter, each take one of my hands. We cry and embrace,then they are gone. Probably forever.

Next thing I know, is I'm on a train and Jaephin Odair's sitting opposite me. His eyes unnerve me. They are deep blue,with flecks of green that remind me of my beloved sea..which I will most likely never see again.

"Oceassa." Jaephin says, and I blush slightly realizing I was staring.

 "Jaephin." I say as smoothly as I can.

"See ya." He says and walks out the room. I almost choke on my orange juice at the irony of it. I'm still laughing to myself when Finnick comes in. Him and Mags are mine and Jaephin's mentors. How awful for Finnick, to mentor his own brother.

"Oceassa." Finnick says.

"Finnick." I say giggling, but he slams his hand down in front of me.

"My brother just volunteered,to save your brother..for your sake, yet you sit here chuckling away like it's funny. You may be a tribute in the Hunger Games, but I don't want you playing any other silly games. You can die in that arena for all I care,but don't you DARE break my brothers heart." He yells and storms out. I sit back stunned,and do what I've been wanting to do since my name was reaped. I cry.

I'm just wiping my eyes as ancient old Mags comes in,Finnick and Jaephin are nowhere to be seen. God knows where Saslie is. Mags sits down but doesnt speak. I think she had a stroke a year or so ago,maybe she's not capable of speech? As if on cue an avox appears,and tears threaten to spill again. Like Mags, avoxes cannot speak. I try not to think about those maimed tongues...the avox sets about preparing the table and moments later Saslie,Finnick and Jaephin all turn up. Throughout the meal,Saslie is the only person to speak. Rambling on about  "what great games these will be" and "how excited everyone in the Capitol is."

Finnick glares at me and I can't help thinking it makes him look extremely attractive. Jaephin doesnt look up at all even though I sneak him a few glances. So instead I focus on the food. All my life I have lived off of fish, so the new creamy taste of chicken and crisp of potatoes in heaven to me...soon enough we are all through eating.  Finnick is still glaring,it infuriates me.

"Finnick, I don't know you! Or your brother! All I know is I got reaped,and you're meant to help me win these games, regardless  who my fellow tribute is." Suprisingly Finnick smirks.

"How  do you not know me?" I notice Jaephin looking at me, but I decide I don't care. I decide to play my cards.

"Trust me Mr.Odair..I do know you." I say and Finnick grins. I'm relieved flirty Finnick is the Finnick I've heard of. Mags and Saslie look confused, although I doubt Saslie would admit it. She is after all from the Capitol. Mags gurgles something that Finnick somehow understands,because he stands up and beckons me and Jaephin to the train wondow,which is where I get my first glimpse of the Capitol. The shiny silver city sprouts up all around the train as far as I can see,and I crane my neck to see more. Somehow I trip over and Finnick catches me. I'm looking into eyes,the exact same as Jaephin's."Watch it." Finnick whispers,and my cheeks flush.

After being made up and prancing around in turquoise costumes we go to our rooms above the training centre. We arrive fairly quickly,due to Saslie's punctual organising skills. I wonder if she's ever been late in her life. The panem anthem interrupts my thoughts and I turn to look at Caesar Flickerman's beaming face. I guess purple is his colour this year. His lips are a revolting shade of plum. I sit on a sofa with Mags and Saslie, Finnick and Jaephin on the other one as we find out the tributes reaped from the other districts. 1's tributes are beautiful and strong as usual. The girl has a deadly smile that makes my heart lurch. 2 and 3 are the same. When our district comes up,the voiceover screams when Jaephin volunteers. It's obvious that Finnick Odair's brother going into the games is a big hit in the Capitol. I notice how Finnick and Jaephin don't look at each other, almost avoiding the other person completely...I don't ponder it for long,District 5 are up. Not very interesting,but I realize with horror that a 12 year old is going in. The rest are average,but 12 is the worst.  Two skinny 13 year olds who look like they've never eaten a bite in their life. I see Finnick shake his head in disgust,but it isn't until later when I'm laying between satin sheets do I realize that his disgust is for the Capitol.

I close my eyes and enter a restless sleep. I wake up screaming, death has hijacked my dream. I hear footsteps and I quickly lay back down,closing my eyes,trying to steady my heartbeat. It works and the footsteps pass my room and continue along the corridor. I leap out of bed and pad into the bathroom, squinting at my reflection in the mirror. The shower is luxurious. A simple button press releases all kinds of fragrances. I choose a raspberry sorbet soap, that leaves my skin smelling heavenly. I step onto a mat and my body is dried and hair detangled automatically. I wrap myself in a robe and precede to my wardrobe and choose a simple blue shirt and black leggings. I tie my hair up and smile, I look normal. I'm not a crazy Capitol citizen. This thought soothes me and I leave my room smiling, in search of food. I'm not disappointed.

An avox serves me a thick oaty bowl which I down quickly,followed by rolls and butter. I'm nibbling on my fifth roll when Jaephin sidles in. He avoids my gaze until he has filled his plate and then he speaks.

" I don't know what Finnick told you,butlet's get this straight. I do not admire you in any way. You're onmy kill list. I volunteered because I'ma career, and that's what I do. Alright?" He snaps bitterly, and I reply "Alright." because I have nothing else to say. Even though the table is silent as we eat, I still don't hear Finnick creeping up and I start as he sits down beside me. His eyes dart towards a small bowl and he grins, taking something out. "Want a sugarcube?" He asks me,but doesn't let me reply, just plops it in my coffee. I don't know if my smile went unnoticed. 

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