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-Finnick's Pov-

They found her body washed up on the shore. Her brothers and father were devastated. They will be put out of their misery soon enough though. I know how Snow works. He won't give them the freedom that Oceassa died trying to gain. I have mentored and watched children die for four years, but seeing Oceassa's body so lifeless...it opened up wounds that I thought I managed to heal. Annie doesn't understan. She doesn't understand that Oceassa's suicide was my fault. I led her to it. I kissed her and let her think I loved her, even though I had my sweet Annie, my chilhood love back at home. I helped her survive the arena, knowing she's have Snow to face when she got back. I took my grief out on her. I let her think Jaephin's death was her fault. I broke her heart. I love Annie Cresta, but I will never forget Oceassa Hollaway, the girl from the ocean. My sugar. 

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