Fish abuse

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Super free so updating a lot. I have a very important matter to discuss.

Abuse to betta fish.

I've seen so many videos on YouTube showing bettas that are being sold in Walmart, and the conditions are terrible.

Low water level. Barely any space in the "tank". Psssshhhhh its not even a tank its just a little container with a lid. They don't even change the water, leading to ich infection. Some bettas end up dying and the employees don't do shit about it.

The regular fish are in even worse conditions. Crammed into a small tank with barely any space, fish have to fight for air and compartment. Some end up dying and since the employees dont check the tank, they end up getting eaten. Some sink to the bottom, with no energy left in them.

It's disgusting and I hate it. Just because they're fish doesn't mean they don't deserve what they need. Just because you can't touch them doesn't mean its okay to abuse them.

This is animal abuse and it needs to stop. Ugh humans think they're so much better than every other animal and i hate it 

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