Bottle flipping aint a talent

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I swear people need to stop bottle flipping in class. Its rude, obnoxious, annoying and not to mention dumb and pointless? Stop wasting your life and actually do something other than making your half filled plastic bottle somersault in mid air ????

Like can you not waste your life, and stop bottle flipping? You motherfuckers ain't gonna get a trophy, just a death stare from a particular hangry grey tabby(moi)

For the love of Jesus, fucking stop it. You're taking up oxygen, food, water and space on Earth to fucking flip a dumb ass bottle?

My god humanity is so bored they fucking result to this.........depressing.

And to those who think its a talent need their brain scanned for any irregular tumours or disease. Wtf? Since when was this bottle flipping trend a fucking talent? You're not special if you bottle flip, and don't even bother.

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