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Headmistress McGonagall sat in her office facing the portraits of her two predecessors.

"Minerva," Albus Dumbledore addressed, "I understand that you are hesitant to allow the returning 7th years to have the option wether to be resorted or not. But listen close when I say this, it is not our actions who make us who we really are, rather our choices. I am aware that many students have changed because of the war. Many had to make choices that if the circumstances were different, wouldn't have happened. Because of this, I believe that our students should have the option to make the choice if they would like to he resorted. It seems only right."

"I have to agree with Albus on this one Minerva," Severus drawled in an almost bored voice. "The 'kids' are not kids anymore, especially after a war thus they should get a choice."

"Okay," The headmistress agreed, "they will have the option if they so desire."

One Year Later: A Drarry FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now