Chapter Two

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Today is the day, Harry thought as he woke up. He managed to drag himself out of bed and throw all the necessities into his trunk. After slicking his hair back (but somehow keeping the sex-hair look), he applied his favorite eyeliner and made sure his eyebrow piercing was noticeable.

Ten minutes before eleven o'clock, Harry disapparated and landed on Platform Nine and Three Quarters. The mass amount of people shocked Harry before he realized that a majority of them were the Daily Prophet press. Scoffing, Harry strutted past them without saying a single word; he swore he could've been dead again at how quiet the place had become in just a few seconds, but Harry continued to walk towards the train. Since the crowd parted for him, he was on in plenty of time. Before Harry turned to find a compartment however, he heard a young child say, "Mummy who was that?"

Harry walked all the way to the end of the train and found a nice empty compartment. He leaned his back against the window and placed his feet up on the seat, taking up the whole side. The train had been moving for a few minutes before he was disturbed.

There was a tap on the compartment door and Harry looked up to see Ron and Hermione staring at him like a zoo exhibit. "Well are you going to come in or stare at me all day," Harry drawled towards the door. The couple came in and sat down next to each other across from Harry.

"Harry?" Ron asked.

"Yes, Ron?"

"Uh what happened mate? Why do you look like that!" He was slapped by Hermione who said, "what he means, Harry, is that you look very different this year."

"Thank you. I've noticed." Harry said sarcastically. In that moment, Ginny walked in, took one look at Harry, and gasped as she backed away a step.

"What's wrong Ginerva? Greyback got your tongue?" Harry spat. Even though he liked the attention, he hated when people contradicted him. Harry tried to be with Ginny for a few weeks after the war; however, she wasn't appealing to him anymore. He really tried, but he couldn't love her the way he once did; the zeal was simply gone.

"Well, uh, Harry," Ginny began, but Harry stopped her before she could continue.

"Save it. All of you. I'm going to go find another compartment. Don't follow me Ronald," he said as Ron began to stand to follow him. Ron quickly sat down and Harry walked out of the compartment.

Trying to get as far away as possible from his friends, Harry continued to walk back towards the front of the train until he heard a voice.

"Oi Potter!" It said. Harry turned to look and he was met with the shocked face of Draco Malfoy.

"If you're just going to comment on my new look, I really don't need to be told again how different it is Malfoy." Harry said sarcastically.

"Oh no. I think it suits you actually." Draco said. Harry jumped back in surprise and looked up at Draco after hearing the compliment. Draco was astounded the words came out of his mouth. He knew he had been thinking them, but he didn't mean to say it out loud.

"Did you just compliment me Malfoy?"

"Maybe I did." Draco drawled. Harry didn't question him anymore on the matter, but asked, "so did you call me over to compliment me on my new look or for something else?"

"Well I wanted to talk to you actually Potter. Do you want to come and sit down?" With that, Harry walked into Draco's compartment and say across from him after closing the door.

"What's up Malfoy?"

"Well Potter, obviously the war is over. I feel like it's childish to let this feud continue. I wanted to say they I'm sorry for be a prat to you all these years and I want to properly thank you for saying my life, not only once, but twice. I can never repay you." Draco genuinely said.

Harry was surprised that he believed him. The words came out before he could stop them. "I agree Malfoy. And you're welcome. And besides, you saved mine as well."

"Friends, Harry?" Draco asked with a hopeful expression on his face as he held his hand out.

"Friends, Draco." and Harry shook it.

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