Chapter three

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I started shaking becasue of disgust and anger I felt for this old man when he leaned next to me. On top of that, he smelled awfully. But that was working for me, I can pretend it's a simple fear. Who wouldn't be afraid after things he did?

"Prepare basement. Wait for the right time. Then do it. If you fail... well, you have something to look forward to." He left to talk to guests and I looked up at  the butler that was staring at me the whole time. I could almost feel the hole his gaze burnt in my head. I did not try to hide my anger towards my current master.

'Prepare yourself demon. Don't you dare destroy my plan' I thought to myself and turned on my heel to leave the room.


After almost an hour my master finally got a chance to talk to sir Ardley. He seemed eager to talk to him, but tried really hard to hide it. I can't believe that this man was compared to Ciel Phantomhive. He could be around fifty years old and his face looked like he was more of a drinker than a bussinesman. I couldn't see even a bit of intelligence in his eyes. And his soul was disgusting. You could feel it from hundred meters. The stench is hard to miss.

"Ah, Earl Phantomhive. It is a pleasure to finally meet you."

"Sir Ardley, I have heard rumors that people compare us to each other. Your sweets company was rated right under my Funtom company."

"I am honoured you noticed. I am trying my best." He gave us sly smile. Like he knew better.

"Well, it is gonna take m-" a loud crash a sound of breaking glass could be heard. We looked in the direction it came from. One of the tables has fallen on ground . Some glass shattered by the fall and in all of it, lay the redheaded maid. Sir Ardley started making his way there and yelled at her.

"You clumsy maid! Clean this up immediatly!"

"Y-yes sir.." She picked herself up when suddenly, the lights went out.

A few screams could be heard by ladies. I felt a little breeze pass me. In a split second, my masters presence dissapeard from next to me. I extended my hands in his direction, my eyes almost already adjusted to the dark. I couldn't see or him there. He just dissapeared. The lights went back again, my master wasn't anywhere near me. Not even in the room. But I could still feel him in the house. A feminine voice spoke above others.

"I am terribly sorry for the commotion, it was only wind. Please resume in your actions."

Musicians started playing again and people continued talking. I noticed that the table was just like it was before but no one seemed to notice. I watched as maid was about to leave the room, but before she did so, she shot me a look. It was a strange one, so I decided to follow her. She may know where my master is. Or, for that matter, would actually have something to do with this whole charade.

Tailing her was so easy. It was like she wanted me to follow her. Her steps stopped before a door, that probably led to basement. She spoke with her back turned to me.

"Ciel Phantomhive is right here. Probably still unconscious. But I can't let you get to him just yet."
I stepped out of shadows that were hiding me.

"What do you want from my master?" She turned around and we locked eyes.

"What do I want or what does my master want?"

I kept silent for a moment. She isn't following her master's orders?

"Hmph. What my master wants. He wants to surpass Ciel Phantomhive. In something major."

"Why does it include kidnapping?"

"He believes that if he kidnaps him Phantomhive won't be able to continue in his duties and soon his reputation would fall. That is his plan. He ordered me to kidnap him and protect him. And besides he is a real sadist. So he has some toys that he would like to try prepared"

She spoke in monotone. Like she learnt it word for word, but her face was tense. I drew my knives that I always kept with me.

"But why are you telling me this?" She drew a long kitchen knife.

"Becasue I have different plan." She threw herself at me with knife ready to attack. Her movements were a bit slow. I easily dodged her.

"Oh? And what might your plan be? Care to share it with me?" I threw three knives at her. She dodged two, but third one pierced her bare shoulder. Her free hand shot up to wound. With dissatisfied look, she took the knife out and trew it back at me. Missed terribly.

"I want you to free me." I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"Free you?" Her hand was still on her shoulder trying to stop the bleeding and attacked me with the other one. I dodged to the side and was about to strike, surprisingly meeting her blade instead. She might as well be a demon if she could block that.

"You sure have noticed that my master's soul is pretty tasteless."

She drew little dagger from her boot and went to attack me with it. Her wound was still open, but did not bleed as much. I grabbed her wrist because I didn't have enough time to draw more weapons. It wasn't as easy as I expected. She was unexpectedly strong.

"I have. But why did you make a contract for a soul like that in the first place?" I pressed my knives and her wrist stronger but she didn't even move. I gritted my teeth. Was she holding back before?

"I was tricked. I made a deal with a little boy with tasty soul. His wish was for me to make contract with my current master. But I am trapped in this contract for more than a year and it is getting annoying. I can't raise my hand against him. He has forbidden me to do so." She seemed to be getting desperate.

I tried shifting my knives, so hers would slip down and slice my hand a little. It would give me upper hand and I would break her arm, but somehow she knew what I was planning and shifted her knife too, pressing so hard that I had to back away a little. Her knife was now inches from my face. What is happening? It is impossible for her to be that strong!

"I want you to kill my master. He would surpass Ciel Phantomhive in death." She grinned painfully.

"Of course, I will have to fight you. But if I, let's say, have other things to do, I won't be able to protect my master fully."

"And what would we get in return?" She practicly held me now. I couldn't do anything. She was pressing so hard it took all my might to not fall. I was still in shock of it.

"I will let your master go and I am  willing to serve your master until your contract is fulfilled."

"You do understand I have to consult this with my master, yes?"

"Of course. But the moment i let you go, you will slice my throat." Damn, she knew.

"I doubt that would harm you much."

"True, but think about the mess it would make. I would have to clean it up later."

"Hmm, you would stain my clothing too. Alright then, I won't slice your throat." I have no other choice. She stopped pressing and I let go of her wrist. We hid our weapons but I stayed alert. I must look into her case more, some time later. She took out a key. The door unlocked and we went down dark stairs.

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