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It was the summer of 2016. Frisk lived on the streets of a city they couldn't pronounce, a few miles away from Mount Ebott. History around the mountain was unclear, but the rumour that monsters lived underneath it hung in the air like a banner above the village surrounding it.

They say children have disappeared up the mountain over the decades, however people have searched the mountain for a place for the children to have disappeared into and none ever rose.


One day Frisk was caught stealing, it wasn't anything valuable. Just a loaf of bread, that was all. But the police had decided they'd brushed off enough children on the street stealing food and chased them all out of their cardboard box houses willed with old blankets and tattered teddybears.

Children running for their lives as police cars sped up side allies crushing their former homes. Scattering in all directions to get out of the city, Frisk ran towards the road leading out of the city rather then another part of it like the rest.

Sneaking behind a family of seven, Frisk managed to get onto a bus to the village by Mount Ebbot. Hoping they could hide up in the woods until all of the police gave up looking for the children.


Frisk was small enough to find the place the children had disappeared to. In a small patch of bushes growing against the mountain, there was small opening. Inside the bush was large enough for a child about Frisks hight and size with room to play in. Inside sat a muddy tea set, an old teddy bear, a single hair bow, a boxing action figure, a notebook covered in dust and a ballerina toy. Frisk new the descriptions of the six missing children, and it seemed these were their toys. It seemed like a good place for a child to spend a few hours playing.

As Frisk looked around some more they realised some vines were covering an opening in the rock, just big enough for them to crawl through. In the cavern a sink hole seemed to rot into the ground - to get a closer look, Frisk took a few steps towards the edge. Suddenly they felt the ground being pulled beneath their feet, and screamed as they plummeted through the darkness to the ground.

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