Chapter 1

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The atmosphere of the dim and dusty underground changed. The screams grew louder as his eyes scanned the ground looking for the man he was about to grab... his opponent. People started to shove closer into the makeshift ring where a clattering of drum beats and whistles could be loudly sourced. I looked over at Ana and she smiled and waved over at me, beckoning me over in a friendly gesture. I smiled at Nate when I notice him standing beside her, both my friends smiling kindly at me; was it so obvious that I looked out of place.

"Nora!" he yelled straight at me,  "I had no idea you had been dragged here", he spoke loudly when I had reached him. I nodded in response; the shouting otherwise drowning my voice.

"You're lucky though, you're catching the good game", he paused looking over his shoulder at the prepared circle, and spoke "Hunter verses Lachie, It will be a tough one, both have strengths the other don't". His eyes crinkled slightly as if in thought, "you should put some money on Hunter".

"Who's Hunter?" I questioned quietly but my voice was drowned in a sea of shouts as the fight began. I looked over at the circle, just being able to make a clear path through the array of heads.

I watched as someone with blonde hair came into view, who I had made a deduction to be Lachie, by the way Nate was describing the pair of people. Lachie was mainly my visible sightline, I had barely any room to see people and I felt squashed to the brim by elbows I was nearly suffocating in the stuffy air. I caught a glimpse of dark hair, it hung lowly over a pair of eyes that felt like a punch in the gut; how could anyone crazy enough to fight underground have such beautiful eyes. He moved forward quickly and I could make out the sound of a jaw cracking on impact.

My eyes darted to the side as everyone pounded their fists in the air as if at a concert for Metallica. People quickly started to spread towards the punters smiling or groaning at their earnings. I felt a sensation of someone watching me and I turned to find who I could only guess as Hunter staring at me from his vantage point of the stair leading to the small doorway he would have once emerged from. He smirked down at me as if he didn't care he had been caught staring.

A hand came into contact with my back and I was shoved quickly towards a hallway that could lead me to the safety of fresh air. The rustle and bustle of everyone traveling quickly together caused me to fall. I leaned my arm against the cool exterior of the dry wall and waited for some of the crowd to pass.

A small squeal followed by the most categorically female giggle caused my head to finally look up. Hunter came into my sight with his trade mark smirk flashing. I finally got a good look at him, his dark hair hung over his eyes from his navy cap hanging on his head hiding the now scabbing cut across his hairline. He had a lean athletic build which didn't surprise me considering he had just won a backstreet athletic fight. What did surprise me was the tattoos sprinkled across his arm and a few lining the knuckles of his right hand.

I grabbed my bag and hastily stood but I turned and found myself face to face with him, his nose inches from touching mine. I backed up in shock and nearly fell over my scuffed boots. His arm reached out and grabbed me from falling.

"Nora right?" he asked, extending his hand out to me only after I had managed to get my clumsiness under control.

"Uhh, yeah that's right, Hunter?" I smiled innocently and shook his hand. I turned to go as he shook his head, but his step was continuous with mine as he strolled beside me.

"Who knew the top academic science scholar who is always emailing me about upcoming events would turn up at a place like this" he chuckled as my nose crinkled at his mention of my academia.

"Well couldn't miss the fight, have to make my money somehow to pay for all this education" I returned his mockery tone and picked up my pace even quicker. I was almost at the carpark and if I hurried they wouldn't leave without me. I walked out the doors and into the cold air of night.

I could feel him stop beside me and I grinned at the feeling he some squealing girl had finally grabbed his attention away from me. I could feel a warm hand grab my upper arm and swing me around so a chest was about a hair strand away from touching me. I looked up at him, looking like a deer about to be run over.

"Going to that party at", he paused and looked behind me, "Nate's I think it is, tomorrow?" he smiled innocently but his eyes searched the car park in front of us.

"Yes, my best friend of seven years is throwing a party", I shook my arm free of his grasp; "of course I'm going you doofus".

Grabbing the bottom of my chin he tilted my eye sight up towards his, "good", he winked and dropped his hand before walking off towards his car.

I grabbed the handle of the car and swiftly plopped myself into the backseat. "Best fight ever!" Nate shouted loudly from the front seat as he threw a couple of dollars from his earnings in the air.

"Won some good money from that Hunter boy, I'd be his groupie any day" Ana giggled with the thought as she mindlessly pressed further against the pedal.

"That was way too hectic", I did not relish in the idea of attending again, but seeing those dark eyes staring back at me gave a small thrill at the bottom of my spine.

"Such a spoil sport, we could make heaps of money me and him", she sighed and I briefly wondered if she was actually keeping her eyes on the road. "He can sweat and fight near me any day".

"That's filthy Ana, you have very little thought into getting yourself hurt", I rolled my eyes and she smiled back at me.

"Oh come on, you can't tell me that you didn't find some part of that boy attractive, you're just a sourpuss", I sat back and crossed my arms at her insinuation making a grand annoyance at the thought. She rolled her eyes at me, so much for my Oscar worthy performance.

"Even if I did like him, which I don't, I wouldn't have a chance, he would more than likely go for you Ana, not plain old me" I groaned and leaned my head against the window.

I left the conversation for another time.

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