Chapter 2

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The party wasn't what Nate had described; 'a small backyard party with a hint of gambling, my roommates are away'. This was much worse. I looked around the front lawn, the red cups illuminating in my eyes. I shuddered with anticipation of what could be inside.

I managed to dodge most of the unconscious drunken people strewn about the lawn already gone before ten. I moved through into the house and left Ana there. She flirted her way through the masses of her adoring fans, mostly male, and found Nate.

I found a clean patch of stairs in the backyard and sat down, watching the party-goers either skinny dip into the pool or fall drunken and hallucinating. I watched as people walked past smiling at me, or laughing to themselves, or maybe the latter.

"Nora!" I turned to find none other than Hunter staring down at me, smiling.

"Hunter", I faked happiness, rolling my eyes into my cup. He smirked and sat down beside me, "Been here all night, I guess someone can't find a good reason to party".

"Oh yeah, that's the reason", I looked aimlessly at the people around us who stared at the broad shouldered man taking up all the room on the stairs; well I was hoping they were looking at him.

"I am sure it is", He smiled at me, "Anyway, are you waiting for Nate or something?" he smirked enjoying himself.

"No, I am not!", that came out more whiny than I had intended, "and seriously grow up" I rolled my eyes and he grabbed his chest in fake hurt. "Nate is gay you idiot".

"God to honest truth?" his eyebrows raised at me. I shook my head and moved over when he had to squish closer when people groaned in our occupancy of the stairs. "Anyway, then why are you here, you don't seem like you're having a good time".

That was true; I really didn't know why I was here. Perhaps it was for Ana, her pushy attitude forced me into coming so she could flirt with Nate's friends. I looked back to Hunter and he raised his eyebrow at me, "I came for Ana, the girl who would've been all over one of the boys inside", his eyebrow rose higher and pushed me to elaborate, "For moral support with the flirting...maybe I'm a great third wheel".

He chuckled from the back of his throat and stared straight at me, "Maybe you just need a date". My eyes widened and I didn't know if he was mocking me, his eyes giving me nothing.

"I am fine being single for now but thank you for your concern", I shifted to give him the cold shoulder. We sat in silence for a few seconds and I looked back to see if he was actually still sitting there, and sure enough he was.

I looked into his eyes and he wasn't looking at me anymore. Instead he was looking me up and down, his eyes dark and hooded. His eyes finally captured mine, "Why is that? Haven't you found the right guy yet", I gasped and narrowed my eyes, what was he trying to do.

"No that's not it at all I just don't want to mix studies and relationships", I rolled my eyes, and fidgeted away from him. His distance was uncomfortable and becoming too painful to bear.

"I'm guessing I was correct, little miss perfect can't find the right man, I have you read like a one chapter book", It was like he didn't listen to me at all, he probably didn't. "Yet you may be proving me wrong, when I saw you the other night I started to realise maybe you weren't princess material".

"However when I walked down the stairs and saw you sitting here by yourself, away from the party life, and not even drinking any alcohol I knew that I had guessed it, you're just a princess who probably gets everything from daddy", I refrained from moving, the tears that could have spilled trapped behind my burning look.

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