Chapter 15

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I was on the last bite of my cheesecake when my mother spoke up about the time and having to cut our time short. I accepted her apologies of an evening without each other but I was overly thankful for it. It was around three forty when I returned to my room exhausted and feet aching in that most uncomfortable way.

I was excessively excited for Hunters arrival, and tried my best to look like I wasn't awaiting him. At four thirty I fell asleep, his presence unaccounted and my mind slipping into the abyss of slumber.

I felt a hand grip my hand and pull, as I nearly face planted into someone's chest. I looked up to find his dark eyes watching me, "You were about to fall off the couch Nora". The back of his fingers skimmed across my cheek as he examined me, my obvious look of tiredness.

He smirked and released his grip on me stepping a fraction away. "Enjoy your outing?" he returned to his playful demeanour and in a way I wish he didn't, I was enjoying his tender side.

"My feet hurt, and I feel like I walked a marathon", he laughed at my response but I didn't. My mother always liked to shop like it was the last time she ever could.

"Do you need a massage duchess?" I nearly whimpered at the thought, his strong hands slipping over my body nearly made me collapse; I don't think I could handle it.

"No, I'm sure I will survive", I smiled but felt a little gutted at my decision.

"Good, I think every ounce of my self-control would vanish and I'd take you right on that couch", I nearly combusted from his spoken thought. I could feel the rush of crimson to my cheeks as I shuffled uncomfortably.

"How was your outing?" I switched up the conversation as to remove his eyes from my obvious reaction to his thought.

"Although I wouldn't like to share with you any detail Nora, I will say it was triumphant", I found a smile upon my face as I slightly reeled in his victory.

"I'm glad", I couldn't help but have my eyes scan over his body to see if any injury had occurred but found no trace of any. I did ravish in the sight of him in a white linen shirt with two of its buttons undone to reveal the starting of his chest.

"You seem distracted?" he smirked but it made me realise the true nature of what I should tell him. I bounced on the idea of not saying but I knew he would get angrier if I didn't and went along with the dinner and him so unknowing.

"I needed to tell you, I'm going out to dinner tomorrow with old family friends", I rushed the sentence as if it was slipped out it would be a smaller hit.

He laughed, "Why would this concern me so Nora?" He stepped closer and I felt like I couldn't breathe; I had no idea what he was going to say, or do.

"Well there is Michael, who is their son and my mother said he was eager to see me", his face stayed within the same expression so I continued, "she scheduled a dinner that I can't get out of and Michael always has ulterior motives".

"You can't get out of?" he seemed agitated now and I flinched at his tone.

"My mother would drag me there unless I was dying in hospital", I stepped back in reflex, and he noticed.

"Is that so?" he stepped towards me countering my movements now noticeably angry with what I had been saying.

"You don't have to worry Hunter; I don't worry about those women that are always involved with in gangs do I?" I stepped until the back of my legs came against the edge of the second couch.

"Well at least they're only as you say whores, but this guy isn't is he? I don't trust him", he continued to approach me with small strides.

"So you can't trust me, is that what you are insinuating?" this time I advanced him and pushed against his solid chest but he didn't even take notice. He gripped my wrist in his grasp and tightened.

"No because as it would seem on continuous occasion you like to flaunt yourself around in public place", I whined at his grip but he didn't loosen it. He wouldn't hurt me, would he?

"You were around, it wasn't just for any old man at a bar, or any old whore for that matter", his grip constricted at my words and I cried out in pain, "Hunter please stop, that hurts".

He loosened but still held my wrist, however gentle now. His eyes softened for a moment as he looked at my weakened posture and desperation. He watched me for a moment as I struggled to keep composure, my wrist stinging in his grip.

"Nora", his voice softened and comforting, his thumb ran along my cheek in an attempt to console. Although I felt emotionally injured by him I still wanted his touch. I pulled my wrist away and stood helpless in front of him.

"Hunter", I echoed him and with my whisper of approval he grasped my face and kissed me. His tongue ran along my lip as his hands went to my ass to lift me against his body. I was all too happy to oblige as I pulled his shirt apart, luckily only ripping one button on its departure.

I pushed his shirt down his shoulders, for once feeling his hot skin against my fingertips as I grazed my nails up his back. I felt his growl vibrate through him as his teeth sunk into my shoulder. He was over sensitive from the fight he had endured but so was I from our argument.

It wasn't until my fingers grazed the back of his waistband did he lift me high enough to look into the windows reflection, my eyes widening. I ran my fingers along a new tattoo.

He had been branded.

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