Chapter Two

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(Luke's POV)

I wake up and check my phone 7:30 am. It's too early for this shit.

Then I remember that I have to deal with the adorable little kitten from last night

"Hey um...kitten? Where are you?"

Then I hear a bang and I run to my living room and I see a really cute boy standing there with dark blue hair and gorgeous green eyes. He looks familiar but I'm not sure where I've seen him before.

"Excuse me but...who are you and what are you doing in my apartment?"

"H-hi Luke"

I notice that he's wrapped in one of my blankets and he has...oh my god he has ears.

"Look I don't know how you know my name and I don't care about that right now, but you have ears and that's not natural. Also 'scuse me, could you please leave?"

"Um m-my name is Michael and I have ears because I'm a hybrid. Also um I know your name because I'm the cat that you picked up last night"

Then I faint.

(Michael's POV)

He fainted...he didn't seem scared but he fainted. Just great.

I pick him up and put him on his couch and then I start to cry.

What if he hates me and kicks me out? He said my ears aren't "natural". Am I ugly? I'm just a freak.

I hear him start to wake up so I wipe my tears and sit up straight.

"Okay this clearly isn't a dream so- wait are you crying? No kitten what's wrong?"

I start to blush. He called me kitten. I'm screaming.

"I'm crying because you think I'm a freak."

Then I move off of the couch and sit on the floor with my face in my hands.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and the sudden warmth makes me purr.

Then I hear Luke giggle. He freaking giggled, and my god was it adorable.

"Kitten I don't think you're a freak, I was just a little startled because it was a lot to take in at once." He runs his hands through my hair and scratches my ears which makes me purr loudly.

I start to blush when he giggles again and starts to speak.

"You're really adorable Mikey. Now lets go get you some clothes hm?"

I stand up and he leads me to a room which I assume is his and tells me to sit on the bed while he looks for something I can wear.

I look around the room and his walls are covered in posters. I see Blink-182, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Sleeping With Sirens, All Time Low, and Nirvana.

"Wow Lukey you have a lot of posters. All Time Low is my favorite band."

He turns around and blushes.

"Lukey? I like that. And they're my favorite band too."

Great, I've managed to embarrass myself in front of Luke since he woke up.

"Here, you can go get changed in that bathroom and then come downstairs and we can find something to do okay?"

I nod my head and then wander off into the bathroom and quickly throw on the random band shirt and sweat pants he gave me. Then I walk back downstairs and sit on the couch with Luke, far away though. I don't want to creep him out any more.

(Luke's POV)

I walk down the stairs and sit on my couch, contemplating this whole situation when Michael comes down and sits on the opposite side from me.

"Hey um kitten? You can come sit with me if you want to you know."

"I-I erm sure." Michael says as he blushes again. This boy blushes a lot.

"So what do you want to do? Anything you want."

"I'm a little tired still, can I take a nap?" he says and yawns. How adorable.

"Oh uh sure I'll just stay here and watch tv if that's okay."

He nods and lays his head on my lap, I scratch his ears and he purrs really loudly. I guess he likes that. I watch him as he falls asleep and I get this feeling of adoration? Astonishment maybe? I'm not sure but whatever this feeling is it makes me have the urge to protect Michael. And that's what I plan on doing.

Therapy ~MukeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora