2. beach date

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So ariana called and she wants to have a beach date with me. It's a good day to go to the beach. As i am ready i hear a honk outside of my house. I take one more good look and then the way i go. I see her and pretty as always i get in and say "wassup girlie" she says "hanging with my main chick" awe she called me her main chick in other words her best friend. We make it to the beach grab our things and head over to the sandy beach. We take our spots and she says "tell me a little about yourself" i then say "well my name is Y/N and im from Y/H/S. My favorite color is Y/F/C and i love to sing and act"

Y/N: your name
Y/H/S: your home state
Y/F/C: your favorite color

We talked, we laughed, we made memories and swam around in the crystal blue ocean. We had a whole lot of fun we even got deep. What i mean about deep my feelings for frankie. Why am i falling for my best friend?

Frankie's POV
I knock on Y/N's door and wait patiently. She answers the door and she has tears in her and i get worried and say "what's wrong?" She just says nothing just walks and sits on the couch i sit next to her. Take her hand into mine and say "please tell me" she sighs and says "i have feelings for someone" i then say "he has to get my approval" we laugh at  that statement and then i say "then why were you crying?" She then says "because he's gay and gays never settle for girls. I mean some can and then others can't" she says that getting up and going to her bedroom. I get up and follow after her i see her under the blanket i sit next to her and say "Y/N any guy would be lucky to have you as their own. Your so beautiful" i add "Y/N look at me" she comes up and sees me and i continue "your so worth it" i lean in and she does too as soon as you know it we're kissing. Im actually kissing my crush there's the fireworks i feel butterflies in my stomach. We pull apart and look at each other i then say "be my girlfriend?" She just looks at me and kisses me again and kiss back. I'll take this as a yes i lay her down without breaking the kiss. We come up for air and she says "i would love to frankie" we go back to making out

I know, i know he's gay but its all for the story. So Y/N and frankie are a couple now. What are your thoughts? Hope you all enjoy

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