Frankie and Ariana

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In this one it's mainly their point of views. And look above ^^ does queen ari look fabulous as always. Enjoy

Frankie's POV
"I kissed her Ariana I kissed Y/N. I liked it a lot" with my hand on her lap she says to me "do you like her as of in love like?" I then breathe in and out and say " I do a lot! Can you go from gay to straight can you?" (A/N: I understand that he's gay but it's all for the story. Enjoy you beautiful you) she then says to me "it's your choice Frankie only you get to make the choice of going straight. If you really like her go for it and if Y/N says no. Well then she's missing out on a great sweet guy that you are" I get and say "your not just my sister your my bestest friend. Thank you" I hug her and she hugs back saying "anytime" we smile and I take out my phone and call Y/N

Frankie "hey Y/N I want to uhm.. uh.. if you want to go.. go out on a date"

Y/N "I would love to i have great news to share with you"

Frankie "YAY and awesome! So see you tomorrow around 5 then"

Y/N "see ya then"

When the call ended I turn back to Ariana and say "I'm admitting it to her tomorrow" she comes up to me face to face and says "you got this Frankie I have faith in you big brother" I hug her and she hugs back and I say checking my phone "it's getting late so I'm going home and getting some rest" we take our final hugs and head out.

Please enjoy this video as a time skip into the next day.

I wake up and shower and everything. Dressed and make a bowl of cereal and like I always do I watch spongebob squarepants. I just love this show so much it always puts me in a good mood. As I finish up a good bowl of lucky charms and finish the episodes that was on nickaloaden. I go and brush my teeth and I am ready for the day. Especially can't wait til 5 meeting up with my best girl bud, ari is one and Y/N is the other. And I'm in love with the Y/N. I wonder what her news is? I hope it ain't bad news.

Time skip to 5:00

As we walk around the park I then get serious "so Y/N I been thinking about us a lot lately" she says "such as" I continue "I like you" with my left hand I hold her left hand "as in like you, like you. As of in love" she stops and I face her and she says "Frankie" i then say "you don't like me I get it, it was worth a shot. I really like you I want to be with you. I talked to my sister and she approves it she approves us. I known you for 5 years and during the amazing five years as your best friend has been the best. And I want to take it to the next level. I really want to be-" I get cut off by her lips on mine and I kiss back. Wrap my arms around her and we break and she says "I feel the same way Frankie" she kisses me again with passion and I do the same back. It starts to rain but we don't care. We just kissing each other like there is no tomorrow. I. Love. This. Girl. Great way to end the night.

Next day

Ariana's POV
Here I am with mac my amazing boyfriend. On the couch watching a funny movie we are laughing our tails off. The door opens and it's my brother smiling like an idiot. Something is going on here and I will get to the bottom of it. "Frankie so whatcha doing?" He says "guess who has two thumbs and got the mate of his dreams. This guy right here oh yeah baby. That guy is me" I smile and say "Frankie I am so happy for the both of you. If she breaks your heart which I doubt. But if she does I break her fingers" he then says "woah now slow down there kitten" I calm down and say "I'm so happy for you bubby you deserve all the happiness that you desire" we hug and enjoy our day together

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