Meeting the family

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Frankie's POV
Okay so Y/N is meeting my parents well my mother of course and my nona and other family members of mine. The door opens and it's my mom and she says "hey Frankie and Y/N come on in. Feel like your at home" she says to Y/N "can I get you water, tea or lemonade" she says "no thank you I'm good thanks" she says to me "son can we talk in private?" I say "yeah.. Y/N I'll be right back" she nods and sits next to Ariana. Me and mom go up to my old room and she says "I really like this one definitely" I say "thanks mom that means a lot" she tells me about how much she loves her already and that I did a job on picking a keeper. Which I agree with her all the way we walk back down and I sit next to Y/N and put an arm around her and kiss her cheek. Everyone loves her, Nona absolutely loves her and I love her.

"So what are your hobbies Y/N?" Ariana said to me and I say "I really love art, singing, dancing and acting. That's pretty much it I like giving back to the kids in need" Ariana just looks at me and says "wow Frankie picked a good one in deed" I shy away in a smile and say "thanks" I lay my head down on Frankie's lap and my feet on Ariana's and she says "so you like to sing right. What kind of music do you like listening to?" I say "pop, rock, country, A cappella, hop hop. Pretty much any kind of music you can think of" Frankie says "oh please sing for us. I heard you sing and your amazing at it" I do a quick breathe in and out and sing 'Focus' by Ariana grande. Right after I got done just singing a little bit of it I say "but I'll never be as good as you Ariana" she says "wow your good that was really good. Have you ever thought of going famous?" I say "I do think i will make it cause I know I will" Frankie say "one of the things I love most about you is your confidence. I love how head strong you are about where you want to go in the future. You will go far I can feel it and when you do please oh please take me with you" we all chuckle at his comment and I say "I'll think about it thanks love and thanks everyone for the support" they all give me smiles and their 'your welcome' s. moments have passed and we had ate good food momma grande has made. I say as we head towards the door and putting back on our coats "thanks for the good food momma grande" she says "glad you enjoyed it" me and my love join hands and we head out. Today has been such a great day can't wait for more fun moments like this to come with Frankie I'm happy that I'm with my best friend forever. I love him and he loves me my life is complete

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