Chapter 1: Allie

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I wasn't sure when we had managed hit the soft breezes of the out doors, but within some time, my vision had come back to reveal the stranger just ahead, guiding our path through a dense brush of trees and bushes. I took a time to rub out the soreness in my pupils, also examining the sharp moonlight passing through the canopy when I had accidentally slammed into his back, me in turn falling to the smooth press of mud.

"You're visions still not back?" He seemed concerned.

"I'm fine," I came to my feet, coughing out the last of my lungs pain, "I can see, just was looking around when you stopped."

"Good, let's keep moving then."

Without another word he rushed forward, almost seeming to roll his eyes. However, I charged forward to land a hand on his shoulder plate. "Hold up." He swung around, looking deep in my eyes, "What's going on? Where are we even?"

"I can explain later, we need to get out of the area before those guards catch up to us." He removed my hand, stepping forward. "What do you remember anyway."

I held my breath at those words, wondering the answer myself. Through the constant turning of stone walls and stairs I had managed to confirm my name was in fact Paul as he had suggested, but beyond that I had but one memory. "Wind." I tried to picture what was left, "soft breezes brushing of a hillside."

"W-what?" He stopped once more to face me, his brow lifted--myself now noticing he was actually an elf as the shine of the night sky reflected off his right ear.

"That's all." I shrugged. "I can't seem to pick up anything else: not yet anyway."

He shook his head gesturing us onward, "Alright then..."

"What's you're name anyway?" The addition to the conversion more or less exploded from my mouth than was planned.

In response he merely chuckled over his shoulder, "Kyrian."

I took a moment to think over the name and everything that was going on before answering. "Well, the assistant is well appreciated Kyrian." And with that much we pushed onward.

Little by little my vision grew intensely better--even the shadows of the area around being easy to search for any detail I desired. The land was thick with trees too, making the number of shadowy bushes increasingly thick. It also came to my attention how much taller I was when compared to this Kyrian character. Stepping over the bushes I stood at least half a foot over him. Though I suppose of all the information entering my head this was of little consequence.

"Hold up." Suddenly he stopped with a hand held to order me to follow. He seemed to be looking about, myself joining the search despite my lack of knowledge as to what he was so worried about of not the guards.

"What's the problem?" I  whispered, a time passing with my eyes finding no sign if those guards. "I don't see anything."

He remained silent. Only scanning around the trees and thick bushes before finally leaping to a nearby oak. He dig into a small pit in the roots as he spoke, "We don't have much time," thick leather armor flew over him as he continued, "The King will send anyone they can to get you back. As such we need to get you as far away from here as possible." Turning he held out the final hidden object: a black cloak and on top of the thick material being a plain longsword. "I assume you still remember how to use one of these?"

I nodded, trying to dig back to my memory but only finding faded flashes of faces. He sighed at my blank expression, gesturing me further through the brush. I of course followed, but using the moment of silence to throw on the light armor and cloak; sheathing the lone weapon on my left side.

"Up ahead is the docks. We needed to find a ship that doesn't ask questions before the guards spot you." He paused looking up at my gear and face. "Keep that good on, your tall as is, that glow in your skin will only make it worse."

I stepped back with minor confusion. "Glow?" The words came out despite my mind holding back. But instead of speaking he merely pointed to my hands. And with complete awe came over me as I followed his finger. The skin was a pale white, clean and slightly glowing with an almost metallic shine. It wasn't enough to give me away in darkness--no actually light coming off--but the texture made it appear as a glowing completion when the sun hit it. "What the..."

"I can explain once we are on the water," he sighed, pulling me along, "just keep your head down and follow me." With those words we became engulfed in a sea of people.

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