Chapter 2: The Docks

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The street we stumbled into was packed with a verity of different people--all to busy to take notice to our presence. Luckily for myself my height was a bit over the majority so that I could see the lines of warehouses and ships just across from us. The massive ropes and sails blew harshly as I looked up and the men on top the decks roared about to stabilize their ships and ready then for what ever task was needed. I took so much time observing the area I almost missed Kyrian rushing into the street; though, fortunately I managed to keep up with the elf.

"Watch where you're going!" My body slammed up against a massive green skinned man. Stumbling back Kyrian leap back to assist.

"Forgive my friend here," he tried to calm the orc down but was immediately shot down as the creature grabbed me by the collar of the cloak, starring me down.

"I don't care who you are!" He growled through his vangs, "No body hits Growg and gets away with it!"

"Please sir," my hand slowly came over his to pull away, something in my voice and stare appealing the man. "I will be more careful next time."

He stuttered to respond, letting me go, "Well you better!" A sniff hit his nose, "damn people always in Growg's way." He began to mumble off about the city when Kyrian looked up at me with minor surprise and then a roll of his eyes.

"Be more careful okay?" He continued onward. Though not for much longer. It took mere moments after our arrival in the streets for the sudden echo of metallic boots to pound on the nearby stone as guards began to appear left and right. I managed to keep my head in the crowd as I stood beside him but on all sides the city soldiers now blocked every street exit. I could here the elf curse under his breath with their approach--them beginning to roughly check the faces of those passing by. I was just about to pull the dulled steel from my side when I felt his hands instantly jerk me back into the door of the nearest building. "Come on!" His voice whispered as the apparent tavern filled my view.

"What are we--" I began to ask in return when the crowd of the building all turned to face the two visitors.

From the counter at the end a large dwarf character laughed at our stumbled entrance as a hand gestured to the table, "haven't seen you two before!" The others went back to their shouts of war tales and beer, "come and take a seat, first drinks on me!"

"Thank you sir." Kyrian nodded back, also signalling myself to follow to the table.

"So," his red beard moved abruptly with his speech as we took out seats in front of the counter, "what can I do for ya?"

I remained silent of course, head down in my hood as I watched the door. However, luckily it appeared Kyrian was fine with moving the conversation along smoothly. "As much as we'd like to stay, me and my friend here are in a bit of a rush."

"Rush!?" His jolly laugh interrupted, "What could make you want to leave such a nice place as this? Eh?"

"We've been hired overseas, and our employer isn't exactly one who likes to be kept waiting."

My knee began to tap as the conversation carried--the sound of shouting guards nearly at the door. "Overseas? You looking for a Captain then?"

"That's the idea." Kyrian too must of heard the approaching fright as his voice began to pick up pace--though it also appeared as now the bartender too could make a connection with the commotion and our haste as he leaned in.

"You sure about that?" his joyfulness lessened, "you too seem a bit..." His eyes moved to the door at the boom of a protesting civilian and an angered guard. "On edge."

"We just want to get out of here as soon as possible..." Kyrian now slid a hefty amount of gold over the table as his eyes stayed fixed on the dwarf. "Please."

The door to the tavern was nearly blown off when the group of city guards made it to the tavern. Their faces had the clear sign of strain written in their eyes especially. And with their entrance came the gaze of every man in the room as they were searched head to toe by the soldier's gaze. "We're looking for an escaped prisoner." The leader shouted out mostly directing his voice at the dwarf bartender. "He may have another associate of unknown origin with him. The man is wanted for treason."

"He now" the bartender calmly answered back, signalling to his costumers to stay calm. "We'd like to help but we'll need more than that."

"The prisoner is said to have special qualities unlike most. That including Golden eyes and metallic skin texture." The men were moving around--shoving about the sailors to see their faces and then walking along to next drinker. "The reward for his capture or any assistant leading to it is 100,000 gold pieces."

The men all around shot up with shouts and fingers going every which direction. However the guard captain ignored the outburst. Slowly walking to the bartender.

"Well?" He intensified his glare until finally a finger lead to a door in the back and the man's head dropped with disappointment. "Alright men you know the drill." He shouted to the others so that within seconds they all were gone. The room stayed silent for a moment longer. And then the abrupt burp of the sailors retuned to their usual ways.

The Red OrbOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant