Chapter 4: The Grand Marine

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It took some complicated maneuvering to sneak by the still heavy presence of guards, but with the crowds of the rush hour, the two of use managed to make it to the dock the man had pointed us toward. I felt personally disappointed in not obtaining the man's name, Kyrian too mentioning it was strange he had not revealed the fact sooner or even asked for our own names. But seeing he caught on to why we were in a rush to leave the city walls, I figured it mattered little so long as we have away out of here. 

Turning around the final corner the view of his ship definitely stood out among the rest, as he suggested it would. The three masts towered over any of the smaller ships around, and the fine dark tint of the wood had a fine polish shine over the hull. Not to add that the area itself remained relatively clear of the crowds so common along the docking areas: the only men and women around being those loading the massive ship ahead and a few members of its crew swinging about the top deck.

"Look who it is!" A hand fell on both of our shoulders as from behind the face of the man from before came up in between us. "Glad you decided to go through with our deal." He smiled, eyes clearly set on the glory of his ship.

He pulled us closer, my head--back in the hood I was given since we left the tavern--looked over to him. His beard appeared to have already grown from the last encounter we had. And the red coloring was much more defined in the daylight. He again went off about the specs of his ship, saying how top notch its designs were compared to even the finest of military ships in the area. But, while it was interesting to hear, I was rather bothered by not getting the man's name earlier. "Pardon me sir but," I looked over at Kyrian, finally speaking over his ramble, "I realized we have yet to actually get your name."

He stopped, me and Kyrian taking one step forward before turning to face him. He was looking up at the clouds. "Guess we didn't exchange name. strange." his eyes fell on us, "Doesn't matter I suppose, you can just refer to me as Captain. Or sir I suppose." He once again observed my shocked expression through the cloth of the hood. "What? You're only here for a short amount of time. However, I would like to know your names. Being the Captain and all."

"Kyrian..." Next to me the elf lengthened his answer as to express his confusion in the logic.

"And what about the odd looking one?" He looked to me to respond, though I felt it hard to speak. Little by little I was remembering details of my past, but my name as the only true detail that I could remember that had some significance. For some odd reason, to give it to some stranger just felt... wrong. "Well?" His voice brought me out of thought.

"Xojhan." I cleared my throat and stood straight. "Xojhan Starfield."

He looked at me for a moment before simple shrug passed as he continued toward the ship, "Interesting name kid." His hands then came over his mouth as to amplify his next shout to the few deck member I could see. "All hands! Prepare to make way!" Instantly after the shout the man leaped from the edge of the dock, gripping on to the nearest rope and swinging about the side of the ship till his black boots slammed onto the railing overlooking myself and Kyrian. His deep voice bursted out in a thick laughter at our faces--mine now shinning with the strange metallic look as when I followed his movement my hood had fallen from my head. "What are you standing around for! Get up here!" He waved, my reaction quickly to rush to the plank just to our left.

It took a moment to reach the height of the deck, at least when compared to the Captain's swift action, but within moments I found the wood planks of the main deck creak under my boots. The area had three levels. Of those, the high deck above me toward the back of the ship was the smallest. The other two were just the main portion of the deck which dipped in the center and then back up at the head of the ship. 

The Captain had stepped down from the rail, positioning himself now to the front head of the ship, facing inward to observe his crew. Kyrian must of sneaked past my while I was searching the details of the deck as he had managed to step up next to the large man; though, it didn't take long before I had dashed up to his side. "What do you need us to do?" The elf asked, looking up to the sails and then the Captain's grey long coat flapping in the wind. 

"Well," the Captain breathed in the salted air, "We did need a man up in the watch nest... I don't suppose those elven eyes of yours are up for the task?" He was now looking up to the top of the central mast, hand over his eyes so to shield it from the now setting sun. Kyrian didn't hesitate to charge to the tower, his departure his answer. For myself I remained, keeping my face visible now we appeared to be a safe distance from any area where a random guard may pass by. The Captain, however, didn't say a word after Kyrian left. Instead he stood staring at my composer. I was about to speak up when his hand landed on my shoulder, his head leaning down to speak. "I know its not much of my business, but I would like to ask why those guards were so interested in you." My back sent a shiver of fear across the skin, but I kept my form as he continued to speak. "I don't plan to go back on my word, keep in mind, but..." He stopped facing me once more but leaning against the forward most mast. "I'd like to know how much trouble your worth."

My throat gulped down a large portion of the sea baring air. I would of answered quicker, but I honestly still was a bit fuzzy as to the reason I was in the prison in the first place. And while a simple excuse could slid by, I had a feeling this was not the man to lie to. "I'm... not sure." 

"Look I get it," He pushed off the thick log. "You just met me. But I need to know these things so we can steer away from trouble. The Tharquish Empire seems to be pretty pissed at you. I just want to know how pissed."

"I honestly can't remember much right now." I sighed before looking up at the central mast behind us, "Ask Kyrian. He probably knows more than I do."

He looked back blankly for a moment, studying my expression. Finally he seemed to give in. "Alright why don't you join the lad up there then. I'll have a post for you tomorrow."

I nodded, rushing to the latter. I took ascending slowly so that as the large ship moved away from the land, I could get every detail of the city. From the distance, added with the approach of night, I felt relaxed at its beauty. The view was familiar and the feeling of the fresh wind breezing under my cloak sent a sensation all over my skin. Each step up I could find more and more, from crashing waves beside a lone bay, to the clock tower centering the city. And with a final glance... The huge black fortress which had held me captive. It's surface seemed to cry out fear, the sight forcing my head away and quickening the climb. That would be one place I'd be glad to forget.

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