Chapter 3: A Journeys Start

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From the shadows I watched the guards rush out of the back door way, the rest of the tavern shouting out at them and return quickly to their drinking. It was when the door slammed violently behind the last glimmering armored man that I allowed a sigh of relief to pass--as did Kyrian beside me. To our luck, it appeared the dark corner the dwarf had pointed out moments before had manage to suffice in keeping ourselves cloaked. 

Kyrian moved his head back up from the leaning position he had placed himself in to take in a swift drink of ale we revived just prior. As for myself, I left the pint on the table to itself, observing the arrangements of men and elves nearby. Most seemed to be unbelievably drunk, most likely relaxing after a long stream of work days. As for the rest, I didn't see anyone in particular that took specific notice to our presence. "Shouldn't we get going?" I looked over to Kyrian, speaking so his ears would just barely pick my question up.

"That would be unwise." He kept his face under his hood, as did eye: speaking without moving his head. "We'll stay here for the moment. Odds are if we are to find a ride out of here..." He looked up slightly to see the men around the room, "They'll be in here."

My hesitation was obvious when my head swung in his direction and back to the nearest drunk. "Here? Most of these men look like they forgot how to stand, let alone sail anytime soon."

"They're sailors," Kyrian chuckled at my reaction, "Offer enough gold and we'll get our ship." He finally turned his head to face me directly. "Besides, not everyone here is slobbering drunk. Just wait here, I'll take care of getting us a ship." His hand landed on my shoulder as to pry him up to his feet. His cloak fluttered slightly with the movement before he exited the dark table and entered the life of the tavern. As for myself, I remained in place. I couldn't help but feel something was off about myself, and with the guard's strange description of my skin confirming what my eyes observed when looking at my hands, I figured staying in the dark would avoid any unwanted conversations. Kyrian could be seen moving from table to table as I sat, the laughter of all the men he left behind an obvious sign of his failure. But still he continued.

As time passed I found my eyes had moved from the interesting character to the nearest exits, and my ears careful to pick up any signs of trouble nearing the building. My gaze had become so set on the old wooden planks of the doors that when one of the strangers nearby took a seat just across from me it took the man having to cough rather loudly for my attention to return--the fright causing me to leap out of the wooden bench as a crooked smile directed itself toward my hooded face. I had to bite my tongue to retain a sense of calm nature as the man leaned back into his seat, hands above his head. "You with the wanderer over there?" Seeing my silence he spoke up, head nudging at Kyrian as he moved on to another table of sailors.

"That would be how it appears." I released my breath, trying to retain a sense of lax composure. The man moved his head back to me, the narrow and defined lines of his cheeks accented by the dim lighting. His eyes were large and absent of color, though it was his breath that made my head turn away slightly.

"Looking for a ship then?" He chuckled, "Not trying to avoid them guards are ya?" Instantly my head shot back with surprise; although, given my position it would be rather obvious that was exactly what we wanted. "Thought so." He took my reaction as confirmation. 

"So?" I breathed out of my teeth, removing my hood so the man could look me directly in they eyes and me his. "You going to turn us in?" He scanned my facial features intensely for the moment, his emotions coming out as rather shocked. But his lips stayed closed, for the time. Instead, he leaned back in the chair once more, listening to the commotion of the room but keeping his gaze on my Golden Irises. As for myself, the situation was beginning to drive my impatiens. The constant worry of more guards and now some stranger more or less forced my right fist to come down on the table--just enough so the noise would not attract any attention except of this man. "What do you want?"

The question finally drew him back to the conversation. His body shifted once more as a pair of crooked denials hit the light of the far off torch light. "I've got a ship." He peered at Kyrian for only a second--the elf taking notice to our conversation, "Need some crew. You help me and I'll get you off shores by the end of the night."

The weight in my chest released, Kyrian coming back to the table to see the man's face for himself. "Is there a problem sir?" He hesitated to ask, looking more at my expression then his.

"No not at all," He laughed pointing to the seat beside me, "I was just telling your friend here I'd like to hire you two as temporary crew mates." Kyrian sat slowly, nodding with both understanding and concern. The man went on to describe his ship and what tasks he needed; though, all the while I could tell Kyrian was holding back a final question, he just wanted the right opening to present it. I tried my best to follow but still I was watching the door. And the constant ramble of the man's pride wasn't helping. He waved his hands about some tale of a sea creature his men faced last time he was out on the waves--the confrontation leaving his numbers less then to be desired. 

It was when he took a breath to sip down some of my untouched ale that Kyrian bumped in, "And how long would you be needing us to stay aboard your ship?"

He swallowed rather quickly. The attempt obviously giving him trouble as when the tankard hit the table he needed a moment before answering. "Oh it won't be that long," He breathed slowly, "I'd say only about a month, maybe two."

"Where are you headed?" For some reason I felt it necessary to ask, blurting the question in right as Eldrien was breathing in to speak.

Still, the large, and as I noticed now, very hairy man nodded with one last drink, "Not to far. Not to far." He leaned in now as to whisper, "I have business in Sasserine at the moment. I rather not discuss this here." He sat back in his chair once more, raising his voice to finish with: "Well? You want the job or not?"

"Very well." Eldrien agreed nervously. "Were do we find this ship of yours? What was the name, The Maringrad?"

"The Grand Marine." He corrected rather harshly, "Just head to dock Twelve Echo. I'll wait for you there soon." He didn't give us chance to speak again, for with the final note he stood his feet and rushed to the nearest exit. Kyrian looked at me with relief and worry, myself not even sure what to think of the situation. My mind was still boggled that the bartender didn't rat us out, and now some stranger I never got the name to has offered to smuggle us out.

"Come on, let's get out of here..." I mumbled to my boots.

"Agreed." Kyrian nodded.

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