Chapter 2

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"Are you ready?" Daddy asked.
I could run.
I could hide.
But he's faster.
"Hey! look dog with a blogs back on!" I exclaimed.
"Ha. Ha. Nice try." He says with a sly come hither stare.
"How about.... I say sorry and we call it good?" I asked.
"How about you do what I fucking ask?" He asked.
And so I booked it, I knew he could catch me up... but why not try? Am I right? No? Ok. I ran through the mansion dodging all the yells for my name. Wow... I'm in huge trouble. I kept running until I tripped on nothing...fucking horror movies. But I got up and I felt a sting pair of arms wrap around me....fuckkk!
"Did you really think you could get away?" Asked daddy.
Should I be an ass? No.
"No I'm sorry..." I sighed.
"Yea I've heard at before. You just made it more fun for me." Shit.
We walked back to the room and the whole time he was humming Harry Styles new song Sign Of The Times (which is available on iTunes now.) He only sang that when he was about to go all Negan on my ass. God I should have listened! But I was just playing Minecraft and he interrupted me! That's annoying I do-
"Are you fucking listening to me?!" He yelled.
"Y-y-yes?" I answered.
"Over my knee right now." He said.
"O-o-ok" I stuttered.
I only stuttered when I was nervous... and I was nervous as hell. I climbed over his lap and waited and nothing happened. I peered back at him and he was looking down at with those bright blue orbs. I was instantly hard.
"P-please daddy." I stuttered.
"Whats the safe word?" He asked. God he loves me.
"Cupcakke." I answered starting to sing deepthroat under my breath.
"Good." He said.
He started to walk away...ummm I thought. I heard a rattling of chains. (Also I think Satan is actually outside my classroom.)
"Fuck no. Not today boi!" I yelled.
He turned around and looked at me with a shocked expression and replied with a snort.
"Yea ok you're going to tell me what to do?"
"No. I'm sorry?" I replied.
Then BAM he smacked me with the chain. Jesus it's like ghost rider all over again.
"Ah!" I yelled.
"No you say 1 thank you daddy and so on!" He yelled and smacked me again.
"O-one thank y-you daddy."
"Two-o tha-ank daddy."
I kept counting and he kept hitting until mass was the shade of a tomato.
"There are you going to be a good boy now?"
"Y-y-yes daddy." I stuttered.
"Good. Let's go to Denny's now." Daddy said.

I've updated now.... yea I know.... I'm a shit writer. Ok anywhooooo... like, love, and caress my account. -carol

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