How It Starts

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  I'm sorry but this story will not have a happy ending things like this never do. It started the day Jonas wanted to go to the old man in the woods house. My group of friends were always the adventurous type. Jonas was probably the bravest of us he would hunt down the places that we would go to. He always seemed to have a way about getting people to do what he wanted. Alice was what we called our dumb blond. She would act just like all the girls in horror movies that die first lucky for her we've never really had a good scare. Cameron my boyfriend only came along because of me. He was never really into all the scares, but he liked to come with me. Aaron was my best friend he was always around when Cameron got mad or wouldn't talk to me. Everyone claimed that he liked me,but i'm not sure. I like him a lot, but he's like a bother to me how could I ever like him. Then there's me Elizabeth Jordan I only go on these trips because I want to get more ideas for the stories that I write. Now that I've introduced everyone i will start the story.

I was laying in bed when my phone went off. It was Jonas " Hey Lizzy ( what Jonas and Aaron liked to call me ) do you want to go out with the group tomorrow" he asked.

I didn't know what I wanted to do, so I texted Cameron and Aaron and asked if they would go. Then I texted Jonas back  " I'm not sure I just texted Aaron and Cameron to see what they're doing."

I waited a little bit seeing who would answer first. I grabbed my phone and throw in my head phones as soon as I did Aaron texted me back. " Hey i'm not busy why does Jonas want to go on another adventure."

I laughed it seemed like everyone know when Jonas wanted to go on one of the weird adventures. I opened the app and texted him back " Lol  of course he does."

It was getting kind of late so I got up and put on some clothes too sleep in when I heard my phone go back off. It was from Aaron " Is your boyfriend going" he asked.

I sighed Cameron never know how to text me when I needed him, but i'm not one of those crazy girlfriends that texts a guy 20 times when they don't get an answer. I texted Aaron back " probably not you know that he's not really into the kinds of adventures that we go on plus I think he might have football practice"

I was starting to lay down when Aaron texted back " Yeah you remember what happened last time he had "football practice" do you really trust him"

" Can we not talk about that I know he made mistakes and I promised you that if it happened again that I wouldn't go back to him" I said I was starting to get tired so I waited for him to responded.

" Yeah I know I don't want to talk about it anymore" He said I know that he just cared about me and that he just wanted to protect me, but leaving Cameron would be hard.

" Okay goodnight see you tomorrow when we go to Jonas's spot" I laughed laid the phone down, covered up and turned on my music finally going off to sleep.

" Goodnight i'll talk to you in the morning" I didn't see is text until the next morning which made me feel bad because I always read his text before finally getting some sleep.

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