The Mental Hospital

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The next morning I got up, took a shower and changed into some warm clothes.I checked my phone  Cameron still hadn't answered me, so I texted Aaron to see if he would pick me up because I wouldn't have a ride. He said yes and that he would be here in a little bit. I finished getting dressed then texted Cameron to tell him know that I would be out and if he needed me he would be better off just calling me. I grabbed my bag and camera and then I went downstairs to wait for Aaron. I grabbed some food and watched tv. It seemed like forever but I heard my phone go off to see Aaron had texted me letting me know that he was here.

" Hey sorry about last night" He said unlocking the car door letting me to get in the car.

" It's fine it's just that i've been worried that he's going to do that again, he hasn't been answering any of my texts" I said sitting down thinking about last year and how much of an emotional rollercoaster it was with Cameron and how Aaron didn't want me to get back together with Cameron, sometimes I wish I had listened.

" Look let's not talk about it because today is a day full of horror" He laughed as he started the car I didn't really want to ask where we were going because Jonas liked to surprise us with these kinds of things. He spends days looking for places to go, making list, and documents it's all really intense, but this was his favorite thing in the world and we loved him so we would go. Aaron and I talked about all the old places that we liked to visit and about all the times that we were almost arrested. We finally pulled up to the address that Jonas had sent us to see him and Alice sitting on a small almost broken wall.

" Heyyyyyy guys over here we need to go inside now before the cops get here" Jonas yelled hoping off the wall and grabbing Aaron's arm.

" Really Jonas don't you think were getting too old to be running from the cops" Aaron said grabbing me and pulling me along with them.

" Were never too old for adventure plus I bet Lizzy is up for this" Jonas said he know that Aaron liked me that's why he always used that technique to get Aaron to do anything that he wanted.

"Hey wait a minute why am I being dragged into this conversation" I said I was always one Aaron side and at this point in time I had no idea that he liked me, but soon that would be too late.

" You know that his only going to do what you want him to" Jonas said Aaron rolled his eyes at him.I could tell Aaron was getting frustrated so I decided to ask about where we were.  "Jonas what is the place?"

" Oh yeah the is Paradise Meadows Mental Asylum it may sound like a nice place but trust me it's not." This was the time for Jonas to present all the research that he did on this place and normally it was a lot, so i'll skip through the boring things. " Okay first thing that we're looking for is a little girl in a white dress. Kid weren't sent to this mental hospital often, but she was one of the few. It's said that when kids would come here their parents wouldn't come back for them they just left them in the asylum. Allowing the doctors and nuns to test anything on the kids. Unfortunately for one girl the test didn't like to work on her, so she would be put through more they even tried test that would kill her and they didn't work it wasn't until 1968, They stopped trying and well, they couldn't just let her go and blab to everyone about their secret little experiments so...they shot her. When asked why she did it her only response we couldn't let the secret out the hospital would be ruined. The hospital stayed open until the year 2000 when police finally decided to look into what they doctors had been doing, but by then it was to late in an act of fear they killed every person that they hadn't killed in the years before and they killed themselves." That was only the first story he only told us one more, so that we wouldn't have to stand in the cold anymore, but after hearing what they did to those kids all I could think about was how could anyone ever do something like that to another person much less kids.

" Wow dood that happened here" Said Aaron attempting to sound cool, and failing. I had sat down in his lap because there was no where else to sit and he didn't really care.

" yeah that really happened to her! Do you think I would make up something like that?" Jonas said all this just made me think of Mia my little sister who died when she was only 5. She was hit by a drunk driver carelessly speeding down the road.

" Hey Jonas please tell me that your other story doesn't have anything to do with kids" I said. Everyone knew about what had happened and most of the time it didn't bother me, but this place was bringing up to many memories that I could take.

"No why do you ask" It had been 6 years since it happened, so I understand why he wouldn't remember. I was about to answer when Aaron put his arms around me and kissed the back of my head. He answered for me I couldn't believe that he still remembered none of my friends seemed to remember anything about Mia. " Oh i'm sorry" said Jonas trying to break up some of the silence. Aaron whispered in my ear trying to remind me that everything would be fine and that Mia would always be with us. It was kind of hard hearing that from him I know that we have been friends since we were kids but I never thought that he would remember her.

"Okay Joans take it away with the next story about this place" Alice said she never really know what to do in times like this. She would randomly shout out something or just laugh making everyone feel better about whatever was going on. Jonas stopped looked at Aaron as if asking for approval. Aaron slowly nodded his head and then placed it against my back.

" Yeah right the next story okay so in this mental hospital they would do things that would kill people on purpose or it would just be for the fun of it. One day the brought in a man named Joseph P. Walters he was famous for killing over 50 people, but no one wanted him to go to jail because there he would find a way to kill more people so they sent him to Paradise Meadows Mental Asylum where he couldn't kill anyone unless the doctors let him out. This place was never checked for safety or to make sure that the doctors weren't letting the crazies out, so they could do whatever they wanted. They took Joseph to a room with all the weapons a human could think of. They let him pick only one then took him to another room with only one other person this person was a older man. There's not much information on the man,but they put him in there to see how Joseph would respond. He brutally murdered the man and then they showed a younger man. He also killed him, but with this one he didn't make him suffer. It made the doctors curious as to why he wouldn't kill the younger man as painfully as the other man. They studied him for a long time trying to figure out what was different. Now they say that you can find the two men walking the halls while Joseph sits waiting for his next victim."

"So let me get this straight we're looking for a little girl, two crazy men, and a psychopath is that right" Aaron asked I was still sitting in his lap and still trying to get over the fact that we were looking for a little girl around the same age as Mia. Aaron grabbed my arm and helped me up.

"Yep that's right" said Joseph as he started walking the long path that led to Paradise Meadows Mental Asylum. Aaron grabbed my hand lead me to the mental hospital. While Alice made some funny comment about how big the building was. We all laughed and continued on our way to the mental asylum.

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